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Participatory knowledge mobilisation: an emerging model for international translational research in education (2015)
Journal Article
Jones, S.-L., Procter, R., & Younie, S. (in press). Participatory knowledge mobilisation: an emerging model for international translational research in education. Journal of education for teaching : JET, 41(5), 555-573.

Research alone does not inform practice, rather a process of knowledge translation is required to enable research findings to become meaningful for practitioners in their contextual settings. However, the translational process needs to be an iterativ... Read More about Participatory knowledge mobilisation: an emerging model for international translational research in education.

Translational research principles applied to education: the mapping educational specialist knowhow (MESH) initiative (2013)
Journal Article
Burden, K., Younie, S., & Leask, M. (2013). Translational research principles applied to education: the mapping educational specialist knowhow (MESH) initiative. Journal of education for teaching : JET, 39(4), 459-463.

MESH is a part of a research project applying knowledge management principles which are well known in other sectors, public and private, to the education sector (Leask, 2011, 2012; Leask and Younie 2013, Leask and Preston 2012). The goal is to develo... Read More about Translational research principles applied to education: the mapping educational specialist knowhow (MESH) initiative.

Sensitivity analysis to explore responsiveness and dynamic range of multi-metric fish-based indices for assessing the ecological status of estuaries and lagoons (2012)
Journal Article
Alvarez, M. C., Franco, A., Pérez-Domínguez, R., & Elliott, M. (2013). Sensitivity analysis to explore responsiveness and dynamic range of multi-metric fish-based indices for assessing the ecological status of estuaries and lagoons. Hydrobiologia, 704(1), 347-362.

Fish-based multi-metric indices are an integral tool in implementing effective water policy initiatives for transitional waters. This study analysed the behaviour of three fish indices (TFCI in the UK, ELFI in France and EFAI in Portugal) developed f... Read More about Sensitivity analysis to explore responsiveness and dynamic range of multi-metric fish-based indices for assessing the ecological status of estuaries and lagoons.

From 'ritual' to 'mindfulness': Policy and pedagogic positioning (2011)
Journal Article
Adams, P. (2011). From 'ritual' to 'mindfulness': Policy and pedagogic positioning. Discourse, 32(1), 57-69.

Schools and professionals respond to statute in different ways. However,professional activity is more than mediated response to policy. Versions ofpedagogy are not simply envisaged on high and enacted in the workplace. Thispaper examines how professi... Read More about From 'ritual' to 'mindfulness': Policy and pedagogic positioning.

Evaluation of extraction methods for use with NMR-based metabolomics in the marine polychaete ragworm, Hediste diversicolor (2010)
Journal Article
del Carmen Alvarez, M., Donarski, J. A., Elliott, M., & Charlton, A. J. (2010). Evaluation of extraction methods for use with NMR-based metabolomics in the marine polychaete ragworm, Hediste diversicolor. Metabolomics, 6(4), 541-549.

The sediment-dwelling polychaete, Hediste diversicolor, is commonly found in Northern temperate estuaries. Its limited mobility and tolerance to polluted conditions makes it a good candidate for biological monitoring. Moreover, its importance in the... Read More about Evaluation of extraction methods for use with NMR-based metabolomics in the marine polychaete ragworm, Hediste diversicolor.

Considering 'best practice': The social construction of teacher activity and pupil learning as performance (2008)
Journal Article
Adams, P. (2008). Considering 'best practice': The social construction of teacher activity and pupil learning as performance. Cambridge Journal of Education, 38(3), 375-392.

Since the 1997 election of the Labour Party to political power in the UK the foci for educational change have been widespread. One area that has received particularly intense scrutiny is that of teacher activity. In particular, the profession has see... Read More about Considering 'best practice': The social construction of teacher activity and pupil learning as performance.