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Impaired heat shock protein 72 expression in women with polycystic ovary syndrome following a supervised exercise programme (2019)
Journal Article
Vince, R. V., Kirk, R. J., Aye, M. M., Atkin, S. L., & Madden, L. A. (2020). Impaired heat shock protein 72 expression in women with polycystic ovary syndrome following a supervised exercise programme. Cell Stress and Chaperones, 25(1), 73-80.

Induction of heat shock protein expression and the heat shock (stress) response are seen in exercise. This exercise-induced response is thought protective against cellular stress through the expression of heat shock proteins. The highly inducible hea... Read More about Impaired heat shock protein 72 expression in women with polycystic ovary syndrome following a supervised exercise programme.

Circulating endothelial microparticles reduce in concentration following an exercise programme in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (2019)
Journal Article
Kirk, R. J., Madden, L. A., Peart, D. J., Aye, M. M., Atkin, S. L., & Vince, R. V. (2019). Circulating endothelial microparticles reduce in concentration following an exercise programme in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Frontiers in endocrinology, 10(MAR), Article 200.

Purpose: Endothelial dysfunction is a known comorbidity in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). The aim was to assess if supervised, moderate intensity exercise could potentially impact markers of endothelial disruption; endothelial cell deri... Read More about Circulating endothelial microparticles reduce in concentration following an exercise programme in women with polycystic ovary syndrome.

Dynamic change in insulin resistance induced by free fatty acids is unchanged though insulin sensitivity improves following endurance exercise in PCOS (2018)
Journal Article
Aye, M. M., Butler, A. E., Kilpatrick, E. S., Kirk, R., Vince, R., Rigby, A. S., Sandeman, D., & Atkin, S. L. (2018). Dynamic change in insulin resistance induced by free fatty acids is unchanged though insulin sensitivity improves following endurance exercise in PCOS. Frontiers in endocrinology, 9(OCT), Article 592.

Background: Insulin resistance (IR) is the hallmark of PCOS and it is known that exercise may decrease it. What is unknown is whether exercise may mechanistically alter the underlying IR, attenuating the dynamic lipid induced IR in insulin resistant... Read More about Dynamic change in insulin resistance induced by free fatty acids is unchanged though insulin sensitivity improves following endurance exercise in PCOS.

Repeated supra-maximal sprint cycling with and without sodium bicarbonate supplementation induces endothelial microparticle release (2013)
Journal Article
Kirk, R. J., Peart, D. J., Madden, L. A., & Vince, R. V. (2014). Repeated supra-maximal sprint cycling with and without sodium bicarbonate supplementation induces endothelial microparticle release. European journal of sport science : the official journal of the European College of Sport Science, 14(4), 345-352.

Under normal homeostatic conditions, the endothelium releases microparticles (MP), which are known to increase under stressful conditions and in disease states. CD105 (endoglin) and CD106 (vascular cell adhesion molecule-1) are expressed on the surfa... Read More about Repeated supra-maximal sprint cycling with and without sodium bicarbonate supplementation induces endothelial microparticle release.