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Outputs (862)

Insights into the development of strategy from a complexity perspective (2015)
Journal Article
Gregory, A., & Ronan, M. (2015). Insights into the development of strategy from a complexity perspective. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 66(4), 627-636.

This paper provides an account of an ongoing project with an independent school in the UK. The project focuses on a strategy development intervention which, from the start, was systemic in orientation. The intention was to integrate simple systems co... Read More about Insights into the development of strategy from a complexity perspective.

Measuring competition using the Boone relative profit difference indicator (2015)
Journal Article
Duygun, M., Shaban, M., & Weyman-Jones, T. (2015). Measuring competition using the Boone relative profit difference indicator. Economics letters, 132, 117-120.

This paper suggests a method for implementing the theoretical relative profit difference test for intensity of competition due to Boone (2008). An empirical illustration is given for banking systems in emerging economies.

Antimicrobials in animal agriculture: Parables and policy (2015)
Journal Article
Scott, H. M., Midgley, G., & Loneragan, G. H. (2015). Antimicrobials in animal agriculture: Parables and policy. Zoonoses and public health, 62(s1), 3-9.

In addition to the scientific, economic, regulatory and other policy factors that impact on antimicrobial decision-making in different jurisdictions around the world, there exist ethical, social and cultural bases for the contemporary use of these pr... Read More about Antimicrobials in animal agriculture: Parables and policy.

Identifying structural breaks in stochastic mortality models (2015)
Journal Article
O’Hare, C., & Li, Y. (2015). Identifying structural breaks in stochastic mortality models. ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part B: Mechanical Engineering, 1(2), Article 021001.

In recent years, the issue of life expectancy has become of utmost importance to pension providers, insurance companies, and government bodies in the developed world. Significant and consistent improvements in mortality rates and hence life expectanc... Read More about Identifying structural breaks in stochastic mortality models.

Price discovery in the dual-platform US Treasury market (2015)
Journal Article
Sun, Z., Dunne, P. G., & Li, Y. (2015). Price discovery in the dual-platform US Treasury market. Global finance journal, 28, 95-110.

Inter-dealer trading in US Treasury securities is almost equally divided between two electronic trading platforms that have only slight differences in terms of their relative liquidity and transparency. BrokerTec is more active in the trading of 2-,... Read More about Price discovery in the dual-platform US Treasury market.

Resistance to teamworking in a UK research and development laboratory (2015)
Journal Article
Thursfield, D. (2015). Resistance to teamworking in a UK research and development laboratory. Work, employment & society : a journal of the British Sociological Association, 29(6), 989-1006.

This article presents an ethnographic exploration of resistance to teamworking in a UK research and development laboratory named RDL. It focuses on the nature of autonomy and responsibility and the implications for resistance. It finds that resistanc... Read More about Resistance to teamworking in a UK research and development laboratory.

Living with contradictions: the dynamics of senior managers in relation to sustainability (2015)
Journal Article
Allen, S., Marshall, J., & Easterby-Smith, M. (2015). Living with contradictions: the dynamics of senior managers in relation to sustainability. Organization & environment, 28(3), 328-348.

In this article, we investigate how senior managers located in Northern Europe in the energy and power industry coordinate their recognition of sustainability challenges with other things they say and do. Identity theory is used to examine the fine-g... Read More about Living with contradictions: the dynamics of senior managers in relation to sustainability.

Commodity futures returns: more memory than you might think! (2015)
Journal Article
Coakley, J., Kellard, N., & Wang, J. (2016). Commodity futures returns: more memory than you might think!. The European journal of finance, 22(14), 1457-1483.

© 2015 Taylor & Francis. This paper investigates long-range dependence in 14 commodity and 3 other financial futures returns series from 1993 to 2009 and shows that long memory is a pervasive phenomenon in contrast to the extant evidence. Utilizing... Read More about Commodity futures returns: more memory than you might think!.

Wood polymer composites and their contribution to cascading utilisation (2015)
Journal Article
Teuber, L., Osburg, V.-S., Toporowski, W., Militz, H., & Krause, A. (2016). Wood polymer composites and their contribution to cascading utilisation. Journal of cleaner production, 110(January), 9-15.

Due to a shortage of resources and a growing competition of land use, sustainable and efficient resource utilisation becomes increasingly important. The application and multiple, cascading utilisation of renewable resources is aimed at to ensure an a... Read More about Wood polymer composites and their contribution to cascading utilisation.

Heterogeneity and perception congruence of project outcomes (2015)
Journal Article
Ojiako, U., Chipulu, M., Marshall, A., Ashleigh, M., Maguire, S., Williams, T., & Obokoh, L. (2015). Heterogeneity and perception congruence of project outcomes. Production planning & control, 26(11), 858-873.

This study examines the impact of project manager and practitioner heterogeneity on congruent perceptions of the outcome of service operations projects. More specifically, the study focuses on congruence in the formation and subsequently revision of... Read More about Heterogeneity and perception congruence of project outcomes.

Audit committees, non-audit services, and auditor reporting decisions prior to failure (2015)
Journal Article
Wu, C., Hsu, H. H., & Haslam, J. (2016). Audit committees, non-audit services, and auditor reporting decisions prior to failure. The British accounting review, 48(2), 240-256.

This study investigates the associations between audit committee characteristics and the likelihood of auditors’ going-concern decisions among UK failed firms. Specifically, we examine whether the threat posed by auditor-provided non-audit services (... Read More about Audit committees, non-audit services, and auditor reporting decisions prior to failure.

Imagined relational capital: An analytical tool in considering small tourism firms' sociality (2015)
Journal Article
Saxena, G. (2015). Imagined relational capital: An analytical tool in considering small tourism firms' sociality. Tourism Management, 49, 109-118.

In this paper I introduce the notion of imagined relational capital (IRC) to examine the sociality of small tourism firms operating in coastal towns of Scarborough, Bridlington and Whitby in Yorkshire. Drawing upon the work of Deleuze and Guattari, I... Read More about Imagined relational capital: An analytical tool in considering small tourism firms' sociality.

Customer environmental values and their contribution to loyalty in industrial markets (2015)
Journal Article
Mustonen, N., Karjaluoto, H., & Jayawardhena, C. (2016). Customer environmental values and their contribution to loyalty in industrial markets. Business strategy and the environment : BSE, 25(7), 512-528.

Concern over the effect of industries on the natural environment is growing on a multitude of levels. This study examines the effects of how perceptions of (a) environmental values, (b) green image and (c) perceived value of industrial customers infl... Read More about Customer environmental values and their contribution to loyalty in industrial markets.

Can expertise mitigate auditors’ unintentional biases? (2015)
Journal Article
Guiral, A., Rodgers, W., Ruiz, E., & Gonzalo-Angulo, J. A. (2015). Can expertise mitigate auditors’ unintentional biases?. Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation, 24, 105-117.

It is important for both academics and practitioners to understand how biases influence auditing opinions, as well as how we might counteract those biases. According to moral seduction theory, auditors’ judgments are morally induced by conflicts of i... Read More about Can expertise mitigate auditors’ unintentional biases?.

Ambidexterity and unit performance: intellectual capital antecedents and cross-level moderating effects of human resource practices (2015)
Journal Article
Kostopoulos, K. C., Bozionelos, N., & Syrigos, E. (2015). Ambidexterity and unit performance: intellectual capital antecedents and cross-level moderating effects of human resource practices. Human Resource Management, 54(S1), s111-s132.

This study develops a cross‐level model examining the effects of intellectual capital facets (i.e., human, social, and organizational capital) on unit ambidexterity. Further, it proposes that organizational‐level high‐performance human resource (HPHR... Read More about Ambidexterity and unit performance: intellectual capital antecedents and cross-level moderating effects of human resource practices.

Political branding: sense of identity or identity crisis? An investigation of the transfer potential of the brand identity prism to the UK Conservative Party (2015)
Journal Article
Dean, D., & Pich, C. (2015). Political branding: sense of identity or identity crisis? An investigation of the transfer potential of the brand identity prism to the UK Conservative Party. Journal of marketing management, 31(11-12), 1353-1378.

Brands are strategic assets and key to achieving a competitive advantage. Brands can be seen as a heuristic device, encapsulating a series of values that enable the consumer to make quick and efficient choices. More recently, the notion of a politica... Read More about Political branding: sense of identity or identity crisis? An investigation of the transfer potential of the brand identity prism to the UK Conservative Party.

PowerPoint and concept maps: a great double act (2015)
Journal Article
Simon, J. (2015). PowerPoint and concept maps: a great double act. Accounting education, 24(2), 146-151.

This article explores how concept maps can provide a useful addition to PowerPoint slides to convey interconnections of knowledge and help students see how knowledge is often non-linear. While most accounting educators are familiar with PowerPoint, t... Read More about PowerPoint and concept maps: a great double act.

Traceability system for capturing, processing and providing consumer-relevant information about wood products: System solution and its economic feasibility (2015)
Journal Article
Appelhanz, S., Osburg, V. S., Toporowski, W., & Schumann, M. (2016). Traceability system for capturing, processing and providing consumer-relevant information about wood products: System solution and its economic feasibility. Journal of cleaner production, 110(January), 132-148.

Current research and practice reports indicate the existence of purchase barriers concerning eco-friendly products, e.g. wood products. These can be ascribed to consumers' mistrust regarding the non-observable environmental impact of wood products. T... Read More about Traceability system for capturing, processing and providing consumer-relevant information about wood products: System solution and its economic feasibility.

Is investor sentiment contagious? International sentiment and UK equity returns (2015)
Journal Article
Hudson, Y., & Green, C. J. (2015). Is investor sentiment contagious? International sentiment and UK equity returns. Journal of behavioral and experimental finance, 5, 46-59.

This paper contributes to a growing body of literature studying investor sentiment. Separate sentiment measures for UK investors and UK institutional investors are constructed from commonly cited sentiment indicators using the first principle compone... Read More about Is investor sentiment contagious? International sentiment and UK equity returns.