David Grant
Supply chain resilience in Finnish SME family firms
Grant, David; Stolt, Jockum
Jockum Stolt
Paper delivered at the 21st Logistics Research Network annual conference 2016, 7th-9th September 2016, Hull. Abstract Purpose: The challenging economic landscape in Finland has brought about a stronger need among firms to manage risk and uncertainty in order to maintain operational performance and supply chain continuity. Given this turbulent environment, the contribution and commercial activities that small and medium sized family firms provide for the Finnish economy require them to have knowledge of drivers of risk and the tools to mitigate it. The purpose of this paper is to analyze how resilient small- and medium-sized (SME) family firm supply chains are operating during the current economic turbulence in Finland. Research Approach: The empirical study for this paper took an inductive research approach by devising a framework from the literature on family firm capabilities and supply chain risk and resilience, and then investigating the strength of the framework through qualitative data collection. Multiple-case studies were conducted including pilot and semi-structured interviews with respondents representing six SME family firms active in Finland. Findings and Originality: Risk drivers and key capabilities connected to SME family firms have been identified. The subject of supply chain resilience was perceived as an abstract subject by several firms, but gained increased interest throughout the research. Several resilience-promoting activities are already being conducted by some firms, nevertheless areas of improvement have also been identified. Despite the growing interest of SMEs in risk and resilience not many studies have been conducted on how SME family firms manage their supply chain resilience; thus this study bridges a gap by combining these two elements. Research Impact: There are many different studies on SME family firms but research on how capabilities of the family firm influences supply chain resilience has not received a great degree of academic interest. Further, prior empirical research on how SME family firms manage supply chain risk and resilience in practice is scarce. This study thus informs the literature on these aspects. Practical Impact: The findings of this study contribute valuable insights to managers active in SME family firms when evaluating their level of business risk and uncertainty, particularly relating to their supply chain activities. Further, the findings offer practical guidelines to help improve supply chain continuity and resilience.
Grant, D., & Stolt, J. Supply chain resilience in Finnish SME family firms
Deposit Date | Nov 25, 2016 |
Journal | Proceedings of the 21st logistics research network annual conference 2016 |
Peer Reviewed | Not Peer Reviewed |
ISBN | 9781904564522 |
Keywords | Supply chain management, Risk and resilience, Family firms, Finland |
Public URL | https://hull-repository.worktribe.com/output/445743 |
Publisher URL | The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport website is available at https://www.ciltuk.org.uk. |
Contract Date | Nov 25, 2016 |
PUB 2016-11-25 14078 Grant.pdf
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