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All Outputs (502)

A biomechanical analysis of prognathous and orthognathous insect head capsules: Evidence for a many to one mapping of ridge strain to head strain (2018)
Journal Article
Blanke, A., Pinheiro, M., Watson, P. J., & Fagan, M. J. (2018). A biomechanical analysis of prognathous and orthognathous insect head capsules: Evidence for a many to one mapping of ridge strain to head strain. Journal of evolutionary biology, 31(5), 665-674.

Insect head shapes are remarkably variable but the influences of these changes on biomechanical performance are unclear. Among “basal” winged insects, such as dragonflies, mayflies, earwigs, and stoneflies, some of the most prominent anatomical chang... Read More about A biomechanical analysis of prognathous and orthognathous insect head capsules: Evidence for a many to one mapping of ridge strain to head strain.

The potential role of variations in juvenile hip geometry on the development of Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease: a biomechanical investigation (2018)
Journal Article
Pinheiro, M. D. S., Dobson, C., Clarke, N. M., & Fagan, M. (2018). The potential role of variations in juvenile hip geometry on the development of Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease: a biomechanical investigation. Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering, 21(2), 194-200.

© 2018 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease (LCP) is one of the most poorly understood diseases in paediatric orthopaedics. One common trait of LCP is the marked morphological difference between healthy a... Read More about The potential role of variations in juvenile hip geometry on the development of Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease: a biomechanical investigation.

Dynamic system safety analysis in HiP-HOPS with Petri Nets and Bayesian Networks (2018)
Journal Article
Papadopoulos, Y., Walker, M., & Kabir, S. (2018). Dynamic system safety analysis in HiP-HOPS with Petri Nets and Bayesian Networks. Safety science, 105, 55-70.

© 2018 Elsevier Ltd Dynamic systems exhibit time-dependent behaviours and complex functional dependencies amongst their components. Therefore, to capture the full system failure behaviour, it is not enough to simply determine the consequences of diff... Read More about Dynamic system safety analysis in HiP-HOPS with Petri Nets and Bayesian Networks.

New insights into the biomechanics of Legg-Calvé-Perthes’ disease: The role of epiphyseal skeletal immaturity in vascular obstruction (2018)
Journal Article
Pinheiro, M., Dobson, C. A., Perry, D., & Fagan, M. J. (2018). New insights into the biomechanics of Legg-Calvé-Perthes’ disease: The role of epiphyseal skeletal immaturity in vascular obstruction. Bone & joint research, 7(2), 148-156.

Legg–Calvé–Perthes’ disease (LCP) is an idiopathic osteonecrosis of the femoral head that is most common in children between four and eight years old. The factors that lead to the onset of LCP are still unclear; however, it is believed th... Read More about New insights into the biomechanics of Legg-Calvé-Perthes’ disease: The role of epiphyseal skeletal immaturity in vascular obstruction.

Type inference in flexible model-driven engineering using classification algorithms (2018)
Journal Article
Zolotas, A., Matragkas, N., Devlin, S., Kolovos, D. S., & Paige, R. F. (2019). Type inference in flexible model-driven engineering using classification algorithms. Software and systems modeling, 18(1), 345–366.

Flexible or bottom-up model-driven engineering (MDE) is an emerging approach to domain and systems modelling. Domain experts, who have detailed domain knowledge, typically lack the technical expertise to transfer this knowledge using traditional MDE... Read More about Type inference in flexible model-driven engineering using classification algorithms.

Surface fitting for quasi scattered data from coordinate measuring systems (2018)
Journal Article
Mao, Q., Liu, S., Wang, S., & Ma, X. (2018). Surface fitting for quasi scattered data from coordinate measuring systems. Sensors, 18(1), 214.

Non-uniform rational B-spline (NURBS) surface fitting from data points is wildly used in the fields of computer aided design (CAD), medical imaging, cultural relic representation and object-shape detection. Usually, the measured data acquired from co... Read More about Surface fitting for quasi scattered data from coordinate measuring systems.

An Empirical study on Predicting Blood Pressure using Classification and Regression Trees (2018)
Journal Article
Zhang, B., Wei, Z., Ren, J., Cheng, Y., & Zheng, Z. (2018). An Empirical study on Predicting Blood Pressure using Classification and Regression Trees. IEEE Access, 6, 21758 - 21768.

Blood pressure diseases have become one of the major threats to human health. Continuous measurement of blood
pressure has proven to be a prerequisite for effective incident prevention. In contrast with the traditional prediction models with low
meas... Read More about An Empirical study on Predicting Blood Pressure using Classification and Regression Trees.

Perception of artificial conspecifics by bearded dragons (Pogona vitticeps) (2018)
Journal Article
Frohnwieser, A., Pike, T. W., Murray, J. C., & Wilkinson, A. (2019). Perception of artificial conspecifics by bearded dragons (Pogona vitticeps). Integrative Zoology, 14(2), 214-222.

Artificial animals are increasingly used as conspecific stimuli in animal behavior research. However, researchers often have an incomplete understanding of how the species under study perceives conspecifics, and, hence, which features are needed for... Read More about Perception of artificial conspecifics by bearded dragons (Pogona vitticeps).

Analytical investigation of the heat-transfer limits of a novel solar loop-heat pipe employing a mini-channel evaporator (2018)
Journal Article
Diallo, T. M., Yu, M., Zhou, J., Zhao, X., Ji, J., & Hardy, D. (2018). Analytical investigation of the heat-transfer limits of a novel solar loop-heat pipe employing a mini-channel evaporator. Energies, 11(1), Article 148.

© 2018 by the authors. This paper presents an analytical investigation of heat-transfer limits of a novel solar loop-heat pipe developed for space heating and domestic hot water use. In the loop-heat pipe, the condensate liquid returns to the evapora... Read More about Analytical investigation of the heat-transfer limits of a novel solar loop-heat pipe employing a mini-channel evaporator.

Optimal and Robust Control of Multi DOF Robotic Manipulator: Design and Hardware Realization (2018)
Journal Article
Ajwad, S. A., Iqbal, J., Islam, R. U., Alsheikhy, A., Almeshal, A., & Mehmood, A. (2018). Optimal and Robust Control of Multi DOF Robotic Manipulator: Design and Hardware Realization. Cybernetics and Systems, 49(1), 77-93.

Robots have become an integral part of industrial automation. Their ultimate role and contribution in this sector is essentially a function of the associated control strategy to ensure precision, repeatability, and reliability, particularly in an env... Read More about Optimal and Robust Control of Multi DOF Robotic Manipulator: Design and Hardware Realization.

A novel goal-oriented strategy for mobile robot navigation without sub-goals constraint (2018)
Journal Article
Zohaib, M., Iqbal, J., & Pasha, S. M. (2018). A novel goal-oriented strategy for mobile robot navigation without sub-goals constraint. Revue Roumaine des Sciences Techniques : Série Électrotechnique et Énergétique, 63(1), 106-111

This paper proposes an approach for obstacle avoidance to ensure safe navigation in a mazy environment. The presented bubble bug algorithm (BBA) is an enhancement of already proposed intelligent bug algorithm (IBA), which over performs bug variants.... Read More about A novel goal-oriented strategy for mobile robot navigation without sub-goals constraint.

Nonlinear control of a flexible joint robotic manipulator with experimental validation (2018)
Journal Article
Alam, W., Mehmood, A., Ali, K., Javaid, U., Alharbi, S., & Iqbal, J. (2018). Nonlinear control of a flexible joint robotic manipulator with experimental validation. Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 64(1), 47-55.

This article addresses the design and implementation of robust nonlinear control approaches to obtain the desired trajectory tracking of a flexible joint manipulator driven with a direct-current (DC) geared motor. The nonlinear control schemes have b... Read More about Nonlinear control of a flexible joint robotic manipulator with experimental validation.

Performance of a TV white space database with different terrain resolutions and propagation models (2017)
Journal Article
Fanan, A., Riley, N., Mehdawi, M., & Alfahad, O. (2017). Performance of a TV white space database with different terrain resolutions and propagation models. Telfor Journal, 9(2), 80-85.

Cognitive Radio has now become a realistic option for the solution of the spectrum scarcity problem in wireless communication. TV channels (the primary user) can be protected from secondary-user interference by accurate prediction of TV White Spaces... Read More about Performance of a TV white space database with different terrain resolutions and propagation models.

An efficient and intelligent solar charge controller: Design and prototyping (2017)
Journal Article
Akram, I., Awais, M., & Iqbal, J. (2017). An efficient and intelligent solar charge controller: Design and prototyping. University of Wah Journal of Science and Technology, 1(1), 1-7

Demand for alternative energy sources has increased incredibly due to the energy crisis in Pakistan. Photo voltaic system is one of the best solutions to cope with this crisis. Battery is a component of primary... Read More about An efficient and intelligent solar charge controller: Design and prototyping.

Reasoning with BDI robots: from simulation to physical environment – implementations and limitations (2017)
Journal Article
Davis, D. N., & Ramulu, S. K. (2017). Reasoning with BDI robots: from simulation to physical environment – implementations and limitations. Paladyn journal of behavioural robotics, 8(1), 39-57.

In this paper an overview of the state of research into cognitive robots is given. This is driven by insights arising from research that has moved from simulation to physical robots over the course of a number of sub-projects. A number of major issue... Read More about Reasoning with BDI robots: from simulation to physical environment – implementations and limitations.

T-spline based unifying registration procedure for free-form surface workpieces in intelligent CMM (2017)
Journal Article
Han, Z., Wang, Y., Ma, X., Liu, S., Zhang, X., & Zhang, G. (2017). T-spline based unifying registration procedure for free-form surface workpieces in intelligent CMM. Applied Sciences, 7(10), 1092.

With the development of the modern manufacturing industry, the free-form surface is widely used in various fields, and the automatic detection of a free-form surface is an important function of future intelligent three-coordinate measuring machines (... Read More about T-spline based unifying registration procedure for free-form surface workpieces in intelligent CMM.

Robust anonymous mutual authentication scheme for n-times ubiquitous mobile cloud computing services (2017)
Journal Article
Gope, P., & Das, A. K. (2017). Robust anonymous mutual authentication scheme for n-times ubiquitous mobile cloud computing services. IEEE internet of things journal, 4(5), 1764-1772.

In recent years, mobile computing has gained a huge popularity among mobile users (MUs). It basically combines the mobile devices with the cloud computing. By the means of on-demand self-service and extendibility, it can offer the infrastructures, pl... Read More about Robust anonymous mutual authentication scheme for n-times ubiquitous mobile cloud computing services.

Magnetic control of MOF crystal orientation and alignment (2017)
Journal Article
Cheng, F., Marshall, E. S., Young, A. J., Robinson, P. J., Bouillard, J. S. G., Adawi, A. M., Vermeulen, N. A., Farha, O. K., Reithofer, M. R., & Chin, J. M. (2017). Magnetic control of MOF crystal orientation and alignment. Chemistry: a European journal, 23(62), 15578-15582.

Most metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) possess anisotropic properties, the full exploitation of which necessitates a general strategy for the controllable orientation of such MOF crystals. Current methods largely rely upon layer-by-layer MOF epitaxy or... Read More about Magnetic control of MOF crystal orientation and alignment.

An algorithm for fast mining top-rank-k frequent patterns based on node-list data structure (2017)
Journal Article
Wang, Q., Ren, J., N Davis, D., & Cheng, Y. (2018). An algorithm for fast mining top-rank-k frequent patterns based on node-list data structure. Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, 24(2), 399-404.

Frequent pattern mining usually requires much run time and memory usage. In some applications, only the patterns with top frequency rank are needed. Because of the limited pattern numbers, quality of the results is even more important than time and m... Read More about An algorithm for fast mining top-rank-k frequent patterns based on node-list data structure.

Design of Cognitive Radio Database using Terrain Maps and Validated Propagation Models (2017)
Journal Article
Fanan, A. M., Riley, N., & Mehdawi, M. (2017). Design of Cognitive Radio Database using Terrain Maps and Validated Propagation Models. Advances in science, technology and engineering systems journal, 2(6), 13-19.

Cognitive Radio (CR) encompasses a number of technologies which enable adaptive self-programing of systems at different levels to provide more effective use of the increasingly congested radio spectrum. CRs have potential to use spectrum allocated to... Read More about Design of Cognitive Radio Database using Terrain Maps and Validated Propagation Models.