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All Outputs (572)

Development and validation of a system of assimilation indices: A mixed method approach to understand change in psychotherapy (2014)
Journal Article
Neto, D. D., Baptista, T. M., & Dent-Brown, K. (2015). Development and validation of a system of assimilation indices: A mixed method approach to understand change in psychotherapy. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 54(2), 147-162.

Assimilation is an important process in understanding change in psychotherapy. Similar to other psychological processes, assimilation may be traceable in the speech of clients by attending to its signs or indices. In the present research,... Read More about Development and validation of a system of assimilation indices: A mixed method approach to understand change in psychotherapy.

Does the mean adequately represent reading performance? Evidence from a cross-linguistic study (2014)
Journal Article
Marinelli, C. V., McGeown, S. P., Horne, J., Zoccolotti, P., & Martelli, M. (2014). Does the mean adequately represent reading performance? Evidence from a cross-linguistic study. Frontiers in Psychology, 5(AUG), Article ARTN 903.

Reading models are largely based on the interpretation of average data from normal or impaired readers, mainly drawn from English-speaking individuals. In the present study we evaluated the possible contribution of orthographic consistency in generat... Read More about Does the mean adequately represent reading performance? Evidence from a cross-linguistic study.

Developing thoughts about what might have been (2014)
Journal Article
Beck, S. R., & Riggs, K. (2014). Developing thoughts about what might have been. Child development perspectives, 8(3), 175-179.

Recent research has changed how developmental psychologists understand counterfactual thinking or thoughts of what might have been. Evidence suggests that counterfactual thinking develops over an extended period into at least middle childhood, depend... Read More about Developing thoughts about what might have been.

Predictors of patient non-attendance at Improving Access to Psychological Therapy services demonstration sites (2014)
Journal Article
Di Bona, L., Saxon, D., Barkham, M., Dent-Brown, K., & Parry, G. (2014). Predictors of patient non-attendance at Improving Access to Psychological Therapy services demonstration sites. Journal of affective disorders, 169, 157-164.

© 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. Background Improving Access to Psychological Therapy (IAPT) services have increased the number of people with common mental health disorders receiving psychological therapy in England, but concerns remai... Read More about Predictors of patient non-attendance at Improving Access to Psychological Therapy services demonstration sites.

EasyDIAg: A tool for easy determination of interrater agreement (2014)
Journal Article
Holle, H., Holle, H., Rein, R., & Rein, R. (2015). EasyDIAg: A tool for easy determination of interrater agreement. Behavior research methods, 47(3), 837-847.

Reliable measurements are fundamental for the empirical sciences. In observational research, measurements often consist of observers categorizing behavior into nominalscaled units. Since the categorization is the outcome of a complex judgment process... Read More about EasyDIAg: A tool for easy determination of interrater agreement.

Can hyper-synchrony in meditation lead to seizures? Similarities in meditative and epileptic brain states (2014)
Journal Article
Lindsay, S. (2014). Can hyper-synchrony in meditation lead to seizures? Similarities in meditative and epileptic brain states. Medical hypotheses, 83(4), 465-472.

Meditation is used worldwide by millions of people for relaxation and stress relief. Given sufficient practice, meditators may also experience a variety of altered states of consciousness. These states can lead to a variety of unusual experiences, in... Read More about Can hyper-synchrony in meditation lead to seizures? Similarities in meditative and epileptic brain states.

Mental time travel in dysphoria: Differences in the content and subjective experience of past and future episodes (2014)
Journal Article
Anderson, R. J., & Evans, G. L. (2015). Mental time travel in dysphoria: Differences in the content and subjective experience of past and future episodes. Consciousness and cognition, 37, 237-248.

Previous research has shown that depressed individuals demonstrate a number of biases in their ability to retrieve past events and simulate future events. The current study investigated the content and phenomenological experience of past and future e... Read More about Mental time travel in dysphoria: Differences in the content and subjective experience of past and future episodes.

The role of recollection in evaluative conditioning (2014)
Journal Article
Halbeisen, G., Blask, K., Weil, R., & Walther, E. (2014). The role of recollection in evaluative conditioning. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 55, 162-168.

Attitudes are a core construct of social psychology, and research showed that attitudes can be acquired by merely pairing neutral stimuli with other liked or disliked stimuli (i.e., evaluative conditioning, EC). In this research we address the role o... Read More about The role of recollection in evaluative conditioning.

A prerequisite to L1 homophone effects in L2 spoken-word recognition (2014)
Journal Article
Nakai, S., Lindsay, S., & Ota, M. (2015). A prerequisite to L1 homophone effects in L2 spoken-word recognition. Second Language Research, 31(1), 29-52.

© The Author(s) 2014. When both members of a phonemic contrast in L2 (second language) are perceptually mapped to a single phoneme in one’s L1 (first language), L2 words containing a member of that contrast can spuriously activate L2 words in spoken-... Read More about A prerequisite to L1 homophone effects in L2 spoken-word recognition.

The role of belief in occurrence within autobiographical memory (2014)
Journal Article
Scoboria, A., Jackson, D. L., Talarico, J., Hanczakowski, M., Wysman, L., & Mazzoni, G. (2014). The role of belief in occurrence within autobiographical memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 143(3), 1242-1258.

This article examines the idea that believing that events occurred in the past is a non-memorial decision that reflects underlying processes that are distinct from recollecting events. Research on autobiographical memory has often focused on events t... Read More about The role of belief in occurrence within autobiographical memory.

Understanding noise stress-induced cognitive impairment in healthy adults and its implications for schizophrenia (2014)
Journal Article
Wright, B., Peters, E., Ettinger, U., Kuipers, E., & Kumari, V. (2014). Understanding noise stress-induced cognitive impairment in healthy adults and its implications for schizophrenia. Noise & health, 16(70), 166-176.

Noise stress (NS) is detrimental to many aspects of human health and behavior. Understanding the effect of noise stressors on human cognitive function is a growing area of research and is crucial to helping clinical populations, such as those with sc... Read More about Understanding noise stress-induced cognitive impairment in healthy adults and its implications for schizophrenia.

Audio-visual feedback improves the BCI performance in the navigational control of a humanoid robot (2014)
Journal Article
Tidoni, E., Gergondet, P., Kheddar, A., & Aglioti, S. M. (2014). Audio-visual feedback improves the BCI performance in the navigational control of a humanoid robot. Frontiers in Neurorobotics, 8(JUN), Article 20.

Advancement in brain computer interfaces (BCI) technology allows people to actively interact in the world through surrogates. Controlling real humanoid robots using BCI as intuitively as we control our body represents a challenge for current research... Read More about Audio-visual feedback improves the BCI performance in the navigational control of a humanoid robot.

Rubber hand illusion induced by touching the face ipsilaterally to a deprived hand: evidence for plastic "somatotopic" remapping in tetraplegics (2014)
Journal Article
Scandola, M., Tidoni, E., Avesani, R., Brunelli, G., Aglioti, S. M., & Moro, V. (2014). Rubber hand illusion induced by touching the face ipsilaterally to a deprived hand: evidence for plastic "somatotopic" remapping in tetraplegics. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 8(JUNE), Article 404.

Background: Studies in animals and humans indicate that the interruption of body-brain connections following spinal cord injury (SCI) leads to plastic cerebral reorganization.

Objective: To explore whether inducing the Rubber Hand Illusion (RHI) via... Read More about Rubber hand illusion induced by touching the face ipsilaterally to a deprived hand: evidence for plastic "somatotopic" remapping in tetraplegics.

Mental toughness in higher education: Relationships with achievement and progression in first-year university sports students (2014)
Journal Article
Crust, L., Earle, K., Perry, J., Earle, F., Clough, A., & Clough, P. J. (2014). Mental toughness in higher education: Relationships with achievement and progression in first-year university sports students. Personality and individual differences, 69, 87-91.

Research into mental toughness has largely been confined to elite sport but should theoretically be important across other performance domains. We examined mental toughness in 161 first year sport students at a UK university using a self-report quest... Read More about Mental toughness in higher education: Relationships with achievement and progression in first-year university sports students.

Sleep underpins the plasticity of language production (2014)
Journal Article
Gaskell, M. G., Warker, J., Lindsay, S., Frost, R., Guest, J., Snowdon, R., & Stackhouse, A. (2014). Sleep underpins the plasticity of language production. Psychological science : a journal of the American Psychological Society / APS, 25(7), 1457-1465.

The constraints that govern acceptable phoneme combinations in speech perception and production have considerable plasticity. We addressed whether sleep influences the acquisition of new constraints and their integration into the speech-production sy... Read More about Sleep underpins the plasticity of language production.

Manipulating cues in involuntary autobiographical memory: verbal cues are more effective than pictorial cues (2014)
Journal Article
Mazzoni, G., Vannucci, M., & Batool, I. (2014). Manipulating cues in involuntary autobiographical memory: verbal cues are more effective than pictorial cues. Memory & cognition, 42(7), 1076-1085.

In two experiments, pictorial cues were compared with their verbal labels to assess their effectiveness in eliciting involuntary autobiographical memories. Cues were relatively complex in Experiment 1 (e.g., relaxing on a beach) and simple objects in... Read More about Manipulating cues in involuntary autobiographical memory: verbal cues are more effective than pictorial cues.

Long-term repetition priming and semantic interference in a lexical-semantic matching task: object names and colors (2014)
Journal Article
Lloyd-Jones, T. J., & Nakabayashi, K. (2014). Long-term repetition priming and semantic interference in a lexical-semantic matching task: object names and colors. Frontiers in psychology Frontiers Research Foundation, 5(JUN), Article ARTN 644.

Using a novel paradigm to engage the long-term mappings between object names and the prototypical colors for objects, we investigated the retrieval of object-color knowledge as indexed by long-term priming (the benefit in performance from a prior enc... Read More about Long-term repetition priming and semantic interference in a lexical-semantic matching task: object names and colors.

Is social inhibition of return due to action co-representation? (2014)
Journal Article
Atkinson, M. A., Simpson, A., Skarratt, P., & Cole, G. G. (2014). Is social inhibition of return due to action co-representation?. Acta Psychologica, 150, 85-93.

When two individuals alternate reaching responses to visual targets presented on a shared workspace, one individual is slower to respond to targets occupying the same position as their partner’s previous response. This phenomenon is thought to be due... Read More about Is social inhibition of return due to action co-representation?.

Exogenous spatial precuing reliably modulates object processing but not object substitution masking (2014)
Journal Article
Pilling, M., Gellatly, A., Argyropoulos, Y., & Skarratt, P. (2014). Exogenous spatial precuing reliably modulates object processing but not object substitution masking. Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics, 76(6), 1560-1576.

Object substitution masking (OSM) is used in behavioral and imaging studies to investigate processes associated with the formation of a conscious percept. Reportedly, OSM occurs only when visual attention is diffusely spread over a search display or... Read More about Exogenous spatial precuing reliably modulates object processing but not object substitution masking.