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Re-Os isotope and platinum group elements of a FOcal ZOne mantle source, Louisville Seamounts Chain, Pacific ocean (2015)
Journal Article
Tejada, M. L. G., Hanyu, T., Ishikawa, A., Senda, R., Suzuki, K., Fitton, G., & Williams, R. (2015). Re-Os isotope and platinum group elements of a FOcal ZOne mantle source, Louisville Seamounts Chain, Pacific ocean. Geochemistry, geophysics, geosystems G³, 16(2), 486-504.

The Louisville Seamount Chain (LSC) is, besides the Hawaiian-Emperor Chain, one of the longest-lived hotspot traces. We report here the first Re-Os isotope and platinum group element (PGE) data for Canopus, Rigil, and Burton Guyots along the chain, w... Read More about Re-Os isotope and platinum group elements of a FOcal ZOne mantle source, Louisville Seamounts Chain, Pacific ocean.

Does having more women on the board impact firms' acquisition behavior? (2015)
Journal Article
Bozionelos, N., & Afanassieva, M. (2015). Does having more women on the board impact firms' acquisition behavior?. The Academy of Management perspectives, 29(1), 1-3.

Is there a difference between how women and men behave as board directors when they are deciding whether to acquire other firms? And do boards with larger representations of women act differently when they consider buying other firms and deciding how... Read More about Does having more women on the board impact firms' acquisition behavior?.

Principal component analysis of atrial fibrillation: Inclusion of posterior ECG leads does not improve correlation with left atrial activity (2015)
Journal Article
Raine, D., Langley, P., Shepherd, E., Lord, S., Murray, S., Murray, A., & Bourke, J. P. (2015). Principal component analysis of atrial fibrillation: Inclusion of posterior ECG leads does not improve correlation with left atrial activity. Medical engineering & physics, 37(2), 251-255.

Background Lead V₁ is routinely analysed due to its large amplitude AF waveform. V₁ correlates strongly with right atrial activity but only moderately with left atrial activity. Posterior lead V₉ correlates strongest with left atrial activity. Aims (... Read More about Principal component analysis of atrial fibrillation: Inclusion of posterior ECG leads does not improve correlation with left atrial activity.

A multi-agent architecture for outsourcing SMEs manufacturing supply chain (2015)
Journal Article
Kumari, S., Singh, A., Mishra, N., & Garza-Reyes, J. A. (2015). A multi-agent architecture for outsourcing SMEs manufacturing supply chain. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 36, 36-44.

© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. Abstract In the present, global and competitive market customer's demands are very volatile. It is very difficult for small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) to satisfy their customer with quality product in reasonable price. La... Read More about A multi-agent architecture for outsourcing SMEs manufacturing supply chain.

A mid-Oligocene (Whitneyan) rhinocerotid from northeastern California (2015)
Journal Article
Bright, J. A., Tiffney, B. H., & Wyss, A. R. (2015). A mid-Oligocene (Whitneyan) rhinocerotid from northeastern California. Journal of Paleontology, 89(1), 135-139.

© 2015, The Paleontological Society. Rhinoceroses were important in North American mammal faunas from the late middle Eocene to the Miocene, but the group's poor sampling outside the High Plains and eastern Rocky Mountain regions during their early e... Read More about A mid-Oligocene (Whitneyan) rhinocerotid from northeastern California.

Infrequent expression of the Cancer-Testis antigen, PASD1, in ovarian cancer (2015)
Journal Article
Khan, G., Brooks, S. E., Mills, K. I., & Guinn, B.-A. (2015). Infrequent expression of the Cancer-Testis antigen, PASD1, in ovarian cancer. Biomarkers in Cancer, 7, 31–38.

Ovarian cancer is very treatable in the early stages of disease; however, it is usually detected in the later stages, at which time, treatment is no longer as effective. If discovered early (Stage I), there is a 90% chance of five-year survival. Ther... Read More about Infrequent expression of the Cancer-Testis antigen, PASD1, in ovarian cancer.

Rumour and reputation in the early modern English family (2015)
Book Chapter
Capern, A. L. (2015). Rumour and reputation in the early modern English family. In C. Walker, & H. Kerr (Eds.), 'Fama' and her sisters: Gossip and rumour in Early Modern Europe (85-113). Brepols.

This article explores the role of rumour, or the hearsay and gossip that circulated in a community, in eroding or maintaining reputations within and across families; it considers the nature of gossip, including the way it carried gender connotations,... Read More about Rumour and reputation in the early modern English family.

Ship carvers in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Britain (2015)
Journal Article
McCarthy, E. (2015). Ship carvers in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Britain. Sculpture Journal, 24(2), 179-194.

Vessel ornamentation has been practised for thousands of years and over a vast geographical area. Unsurprisingly, the type of carvings and their purpose vary considerably from place to place and their style, form and subject matter have changed signi... Read More about Ship carvers in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Britain.

Does B2C online logistics service quality impact urban logistics? (2015)
Journal Article
Grant, D. B., & Philipp, B. (2015). Does B2C online logistics service quality impact urban logistics?. Logistique & management, 23(2), 45-54.

This paper reports on an in-progress research study regarding the impact of business to consumer (B2C) online logistics service quality (OLSQ) for shopper satisfaction and loyalty on urban logistics across the UK, France and Germany to also investiga... Read More about Does B2C online logistics service quality impact urban logistics?.

Women’s experiences of commercial three-dimensional ultrasound scans (2015)
Journal Article
Glover, L., Jomeen, J., & Wadephul, F. (2015). Women’s experiences of commercial three-dimensional ultrasound scans. MIDIRS midwifery digest, 25(4), 433-438

Ultrasound has become a routine part of UK maternity care and has a range of diagnostic and screening purposes. The last two decades have seen the development of three-dimensional (3D) scans, which use computer software to produce a seemingly 3D imag... Read More about Women’s experiences of commercial three-dimensional ultrasound scans.

STEMing the growth of primary science (2015)
Journal Article
Dockerty, K. (2015). STEMing the growth of primary science. Primary science review : the primary science journal of the ASE, 11-13

Kelly Dockerty looks at the implications for teacher training and the findings of the CBI report Tomorrow’s world: Inspiring primary scientists.

From theory to practice: Enhancing the potential policy impact of industrial ecology (2015)
Journal Article
Deutz, P., & Ioppolo, G. (2015). From theory to practice: Enhancing the potential policy impact of industrial ecology. Sustainability, 7(2), 2259-2273.

Industrial ecology introduced a new paradigm of principles and tools useful to academic analysis and decision support activities for industry and policymakers. This paper presents a view of the state of the art of industrial ecology, encompassing the... Read More about From theory to practice: Enhancing the potential policy impact of industrial ecology.

Extracellular vesicles, tissue factor, cancer and thrombosis – discussion themes of the ISEV 2014 Educational Day (2015)
Journal Article
Gardiner, C., Harrison, P., Belting, M., Böing, A., Campello, E., Carter, B. S., Collier, M. E., Coumans, F., Ettelaie, C., Van Es, N., Hochberg, F. H., Mackman, N., Rennert, R. C., Thaler, J., Rak, J., & Nieuwland, R. (2015). Extracellular vesicles, tissue factor, cancer and thrombosis – discussion themes of the ISEV 2014 Educational Day. Journal of Extracellular Vesicles, 4(1), 1-14.

Although the association between cancer and venous thromboembolism (VTE) has long been known, the mechanisms are poorly understood. Circulating tissue factor-bearing extracellular vesicles have been proposed as a possible explanation for the increase... Read More about Extracellular vesicles, tissue factor, cancer and thrombosis – discussion themes of the ISEV 2014 Educational Day.

Transition in sexual system and sex chromosome evolution in the tadpole shrimp Triops cancriformis (2015)
Journal Article
Mathers, T. C., Hammond, R. L., Jenner, R., Hänfling, B., Atkins, J., & Gómez, A. (2015). Transition in sexual system and sex chromosome evolution in the tadpole shrimp Triops cancriformis. Heredity, 115(1), 37-46.

© 2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited All rights reserved. Transitions in sexual system and reproductive mode may affect the course of sex chromosome evolution, for instance by altering the strength of sexually antagonistic selection. However, there ha... Read More about Transition in sexual system and sex chromosome evolution in the tadpole shrimp Triops cancriformis.

When second best is still a no-brainer : why Labour should shoot for a majority coalition in May 2015 (2015)
Journal Article
Yong, B., & Bale, T. (2015). When second best is still a no-brainer : why Labour should shoot for a majority coalition in May 2015. The Political quarterly, 86(1), 133-140.

The chances of Labour winning the 2015 general election with a comfortable overall majority are vanishingly small. It could, however, emerge as the largest party or finish just a handful of seats behind the Conservatives. Either scenario would give i... Read More about When second best is still a no-brainer : why Labour should shoot for a majority coalition in May 2015.

Stochastic modelling for financial bubbles and policy (2015)
Journal Article
Fry, J. (2015). Stochastic modelling for financial bubbles and policy. Cogent Economics and Finance, 3(1), Article 1002152.

In this paper, we draw upon the close relationship between statistical physics and mathematical finance to develop a suite of models for financial bubbles and crashes. By modifying previous approaches, we are able to derive novel analytical formulae... Read More about Stochastic modelling for financial bubbles and policy.

Heat integration of natural gas combined cycle power plant integrated with post-combustion CO₂ capture and compression (2015)
Journal Article
Luo, X., Wang, M., & Chen, J. (2015). Heat integration of natural gas combined cycle power plant integrated with post-combustion CO₂ capture and compression. Fuel, 151(July), 110-117.

Carbon capture for fossil fuel power generation draws an increasing attention because of significant challenges of global climate change. This study aims to explore the integration of a 453 MWe natural gas combined cycle (NGCC) power plant with an ME... Read More about Heat integration of natural gas combined cycle power plant integrated with post-combustion CO₂ capture and compression.

Focus on festivals: Contemporary European case studies and perspective (2015)
Bianchini, F. (2015). C. Newbold, C. Maughan, J. Jordan, & F. Bianchini (Eds.). Focus on festivals: Contemporary European case studies and perspective. Goodfellow publishers

This book presents a contemporary overview of our most ubiquitous cultural phenomena - festivals. It is able to do so by taking a powerful and unique case-study focused, theoretically rigorous and pan-European approach. It comes from a hugely expert... Read More about Focus on festivals: Contemporary European case studies and perspective.

Prescribing patterns to optimize heart rate. Analysis of 1,000 consecutive outpatient appointments toasingle heart failure clinic over a 6-month period. (2015)
Journal Article
Dierckx, R., Cleland, J. G., Parsons, S., Putzu, P., Pellicori, P., Dicken, B., Boyalla, V., & Clark, A. L. (2015). Prescribing patterns to optimize heart rate. Analysis of 1,000 consecutive outpatient appointments toasingle heart failure clinic over a 6-month period. JACC: Heart Failure, 3(3), 224-230.

Objectives: This study sought to characterize patients attending a community heart failure (HF) clinic and identified those who were eligible for optimization of beta-blockers (BB) or ivabradine. Background: Among patients with HF due to left ventric... Read More about Prescribing patterns to optimize heart rate. Analysis of 1,000 consecutive outpatient appointments toasingle heart failure clinic over a 6-month period..