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Sir John Gladstone and the Debate over the Amelioration of Slavery in the British West Indies in the 1820s (2018)
Journal Article
Burnard, T., & Candlin, K. (2018). Sir John Gladstone and the Debate over the Amelioration of Slavery in the British West Indies in the 1820s. Journal of British Studies, 57(4), 760-782.

© 2018 The North American Conference on British Studies. Sir John Gladstone made a fortune as a Demerara sugar-planter and a key supporter of the British policy of amelioration in which slavery would be improved by making it more humane. Unlike resid... Read More about Sir John Gladstone and the Debate over the Amelioration of Slavery in the British West Indies in the 1820s.

The best-achieving Online Students are overrepresented in Course Ratings (2018)
Journal Article
Tejeiro, R., Whitelock-Wainwright, A., Perez, A., & Urbina-Garcia, A. (2018). The best-achieving Online Students are overrepresented in Course Ratings. European Journal of Open Education and e-Learning Studies, 3(2), 43-58.

Student ratings are the most used and influential measure of performance in Higher Education, and an integral component of formative and summative decision making. This may be particularly relevant in the relatively new online courses, where the peda... Read More about The best-achieving Online Students are overrepresented in Course Ratings.

Shape evolution and bubble formation of acoustically levitated drops (2018)
Journal Article
Di, W., Zhang, Z., Li, L., Lin, K., Li, J., Li, X., Binks, B. P., Chen, X., & Zang, D. (2018). Shape evolution and bubble formation of acoustically levitated drops. Physical Review Fluids, 3, Article 103606.

In this study, we investigated the shape evolution and bubble formation of acoustically levitated drops upon increasing the sound intensity. Here, a levitated liquid drop evolves progressively from an oblate spheroidal shape to a flattened film to a... Read More about Shape evolution and bubble formation of acoustically levitated drops.

A comprehensive targeted next-generation sequencing panel for genetic diagnosis of patients with suspected inherited thrombocytopenia (2018)
Journal Article
Johnson, B., Doak, R., Allsup, D., Astwood, E., Evans, G., Grimley, C., James, B., Myers, B., Stokley, S., Thachil, J., Wilde, J., Williams, M., Makris, M., Lowe, G. C., Wallis, Y., Daly, M. E., Morgan, N. V., & the UK GAPP Study Group. (2018). A comprehensive targeted next-generation sequencing panel for genetic diagnosis of patients with suspected inherited thrombocytopenia. Research and Practice in Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 2(4), 640-652.

Background: Inherited thrombocytopenias (ITs) are a heterogeneous group of disorders characterized by low platelet counts and often disproportionate bleeding with over 30 genes currently implicated. Previously the UK-GAPP study using whole exome sequ... Read More about A comprehensive targeted next-generation sequencing panel for genetic diagnosis of patients with suspected inherited thrombocytopenia.

Perspectives of patients, family caregivers and health professionals on the use of outcome measures in palliative care and lessons for implementation: a multi-method qualitative study (2018)
Journal Article
Pinto, C., Bristowe, K., Witt, J., Davies, J. M., de Wolf-Linder, S., Dawkins, M., Guo, P., Higginson, I. J., Daveson, B., & Murtagh, F. E. (2018). Perspectives of patients, family caregivers and health professionals on the use of outcome measures in palliative care and lessons for implementation: a multi-method qualitative study. Annals of palliative medicine, 7(s3), S137-S150.

Background: Routine use of outcome measures in palliative care is recommended to demonstrate and improve quality of care. The use of outcome measures is relatively recent in UK specialist palliative care services and understanding their use in practi... Read More about Perspectives of patients, family caregivers and health professionals on the use of outcome measures in palliative care and lessons for implementation: a multi-method qualitative study.

F.H. Bradley and secular and religious debates in the philosophy of history (2018)
Journal Article
Connelly, J. (2018). F.H. Bradley and secular and religious debates in the philosophy of history. Philosophical Enquiries. Revue des philosophies anglophones, 97-116

This paper considers F. H. Bradley’s The Presuppositions of Critical History as a foundational document in philosophy of history, and its origin in debates in church history triggered by claims that biblical stories should be subject to the constrain... Read More about F.H. Bradley and secular and religious debates in the philosophy of history.

Assessing the application of innovative incentive-based tools to reform highly migratory fisheries from regional to global scale (2018)
Barnes, R. (2018). Assessing the application of innovative incentive-based tools to reform highly migratory fisheries from regional to global scale. Washington, DC: WWF/FAO

This report provides an assessment of the past performance and future outlook of innovative, incentive-based tools to reform highly migratory and transboundary fisheries at regional and global scales. This review seeks to identify legal, financial, a... Read More about Assessing the application of innovative incentive-based tools to reform highly migratory fisheries from regional to global scale.

Maximizing the benefits of oyster reef restoration for finfish and their fisheries (2018)
Journal Article
Gilby, B. L., Olds, A. D., Peterson, C. H., Connolly, R. M., Voss, C. M., Bishop, M. J., Elliott, M., Grabowski, J. H., Ortodossi, N. L., & Schlacher, T. A. (2018). Maximizing the benefits of oyster reef restoration for finfish and their fisheries. Fish and Fisheries, 19(5), 931-947.

© 2018 John Wiley & Sons Ltd Global declines in oyster reefs have resulted in reduced habitat heterogeneity, extent and quality for some coastal finfish, potentially reducing fish populations and catches. It is well established that habitat restora... Read More about Maximizing the benefits of oyster reef restoration for finfish and their fisheries.

War, population growth, inequality, and the history of the world state idea: The causes of world wars and global governance evolution over the long duree (2018)
Journal Article
Beyer, C. (2018). War, population growth, inequality, and the history of the world state idea: The causes of world wars and global governance evolution over the long duree. Humanities and social sciences, 6(5), 159-172.

Humanity has experienced three major periods of war – 500Bc the Greek wars, 1600AD the Thirty Years War and 1900AD the Two World Wars. These were the most significant times of war in human history, as far as is known to Western science. IR scientists... Read More about War, population growth, inequality, and the history of the world state idea: The causes of world wars and global governance evolution over the long duree.

Africa's child soldiers/suicide children: A regulatory framework (2018)
Journal Article
Olivier, M. (2018). Africa's child soldiers/suicide children: A regulatory framework. International Journal of Law and Society, 1(3), 115-124.

Despite the prohibition of child soldiers by international law, recent African conflicts have witnessed a persistence of this phenomenon, which is becoming ever more specialised. An example of such specialist involvement of children in African armed... Read More about Africa's child soldiers/suicide children: A regulatory framework.

Implementing e-learning and e-tools for care home staff supporting residents with dementia and challenging behaviour: A process evaluation of the ResCare study using normalisation process theory (2018)
Journal Article
Poland, F., Keenan, J., Manthorpe, J., Hart, C., & Moniz-Cook, E. (2020). Implementing e-learning and e-tools for care home staff supporting residents with dementia and challenging behaviour: A process evaluation of the ResCare study using normalisation process theory. Dementia, 19(5), 1604-1620.

© The Author(s) 2018. Dementia-related symptoms, sometimes termed challenging or distressing behaviour, can give rise to significant distress in care homes. Individualised formulation-led interventions show promise in reducing these behaviours. ResCa... Read More about Implementing e-learning and e-tools for care home staff supporting residents with dementia and challenging behaviour: A process evaluation of the ResCare study using normalisation process theory.

Brutalist non-naturalism and Hume's principle (2018)
Journal Article
Zangwill, N. (2018). Brutalist non-naturalism and Hume's principle. Dialectica, 72(3), 365-383.

Does moral non-naturalism have a problem with supervenience? That is, are necessary relations between moral and natural properties mysterious if those properties are distinct? Here I try to remove anxiety about the modal comments of moral non-natural... Read More about Brutalist non-naturalism and Hume's principle.

The impact of consumer green behaviour on green loyalty among retail formats: a Romanian case study (2018)
Journal Article
Dabija, D.-C., Bejan, B. M., & Grant, D. B. (2018). The impact of consumer green behaviour on green loyalty among retail formats: a Romanian case study. Moravian Geographical Reports, 26(3), 173-185.

Customer loyalty enables companies to outperform competitors and better satisfy customers' needs and desires. People today are increasingly interested in buying green or sustainable products, pursuing responsible consumption, getting involved in envi... Read More about The impact of consumer green behaviour on green loyalty among retail formats: a Romanian case study.

Effect of non-condensable gas on the behaviours of a controllable loop thermosyphon under active control (2018)
Journal Article
Cao, J., Pei, G., Bottarelli, M., Chen, C., Jiao, D., & Li, J. (2019). Effect of non-condensable gas on the behaviours of a controllable loop thermosyphon under active control. Applied thermal engineering, 146, 288-294.

Controllable loop thermosyphon (CLT) can be used as a significant temperature management component in solar- and electric-powered cool-storage refrigerators. However, the behaviours of CLT with non-condensable gas (NCG) under active control require f... Read More about Effect of non-condensable gas on the behaviours of a controllable loop thermosyphon under active control.

Validation of Mentors' Behavior Scale among mentors (2018)
Journal Article
Zhao, R., Watson, R., & Chen, Y. (2018). Validation of Mentors' Behavior Scale among mentors. Nurse education today, 71, 180-184.

The Mentors' Behavior Scale was developed and validated initially among nursing students by assessing the importance of mentors' behavior, showing satisfactory psychometrics and the potential to match mentors with students according to students' expe... Read More about Validation of Mentors' Behavior Scale among mentors.

Environmental change during MIS4 and MIS 3 opened corridors in the Horn of Africa for Homo sapiens expansion (2018)
Journal Article
Viehberg, F. A., Just, J., Dean, J. R., Wagner, B., Franz, S. O., Klasen, N., Kleinen, T., Ludwig, P., Asrat, A., Lamb, H. F., Leng, M. J., Rethemeyer, J., Milodowski, A. E., Claussen, M., & Schäbitz, F. (2018). Environmental change during MIS4 and MIS 3 opened corridors in the Horn of Africa for Homo sapiens expansion. Quaternary science reviews, 202, 139-153.

© 2018 The Authors Archaeological findings, numerical human dispersal models and genome analyses suggest several time windows in the past 200 kyr (thousands of years ago) when anatomically modern humans (AMH) dispersed out of Africa into the Levant a... Read More about Environmental change during MIS4 and MIS 3 opened corridors in the Horn of Africa for Homo sapiens expansion.

Controlled actuation of liquid marbles on a dielectric (2018)
Journal Article
Fu, X., Zhang, Y., Yuan, H., Binks, B. P., & Shum, H. C. (2018). Controlled actuation of liquid marbles on a dielectric. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 10(41), 34822-34827.

Motivated by the great potential of droplet microreactors for chemical and biological applications, a general and robust method utilizing an electric field is developed for sustained, directional and two-dimensional manipulation of nonwetting droplet... Read More about Controlled actuation of liquid marbles on a dielectric.

Warm water immersion in patients with chronic heart failure: a pilot study: Shah immerse: HF (2018)
Journal Article
Shah, P., Pellicori, P., Kallvikbacka-Bennett, A., Zhang, J., Pan, D., & Clark, A. L. (2019). Warm water immersion in patients with chronic heart failure: a pilot study: Shah immerse: HF. Clinical Research in Cardiology, 108(5), 468–476.

Patients with chronic conditions, such as heart failure, swim regularly and most rehabilitation exercises are conducted in warm hydrotherapy pools. However, little is known about the acute effects of warm water immersion (WWI) on cardiac... Read More about Warm water immersion in patients with chronic heart failure: a pilot study: Shah immerse: HF.

The recent growth history of the Fornax Cluster derived from simultaneous sloshing and gas stripping: Simulating the infall of NGC 1404 (2018)
Journal Article
Sheardown, A., Roediger, E., Su, Y., Kraft, R. P., Fish, T., ZuHone, J. A., Forman, W. R., Jones, C., Churazov, E., & Nulsen, P. E. (2018). The recent growth history of the Fornax Cluster derived from simultaneous sloshing and gas stripping: Simulating the infall of NGC 1404. The Astrophysical journal, 865(2), 118.

We derive the recent growth history of the Fornax Cluster, in particular the recent infall of the giant elliptical galaxy NGC 1404. We show, using a simple cluster minor merger simulation tailored to Fornax and NGC 1404, that a second or more likely... Read More about The recent growth history of the Fornax Cluster derived from simultaneous sloshing and gas stripping: Simulating the infall of NGC 1404.

“Maybe it’s kind of normal to hear voices”: The role of spirituality in making sense of voice hearing (2018)
Journal Article
Lewis, S. H., Sanderson, C., Gupta, A., & Klein, C. (in press). “Maybe it’s kind of normal to hear voices”: The role of spirituality in making sense of voice hearing. Journal of Spirituality in Mental Health, 1-16.

First-person accounts of voice hearing are scarce. This research aims to explore the role of spirituality in the sense-making process of hearing voices. Five semistructured interviews explored experiences of spirituality and hearing voices. Qualitati... Read More about “Maybe it’s kind of normal to hear voices”: The role of spirituality in making sense of voice hearing.