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Professor John Greenman's Outputs (7)

A microfluidic chip based model for the study of full thickness human intestinal tissue using dual flow (2016)
Journal Article
Dawson, A., Dyer, C., Macfie, J., Davies, J., Karsai, L., Greenman, J., & Jacobsen, M. (2016). A microfluidic chip based model for the study of full thickness human intestinal tissue using dual flow. Biomicrofluidics, 10(6), 064101.

© 2016 Author(s). The study of inflammatory bowel disease, including Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's Disease, has relied largely upon the use of animal or cell culture models; neither of which can represent all aspects of the human pathophysiology. Pr... Read More about A microfluidic chip based model for the study of full thickness human intestinal tissue using dual flow.

Analysis of the potential of cancer cell lines to release tissue factor-containing microvesicles: correlation with tissue factor and PAR2 expression (2016)
Journal Article
Ettelaie, C., Collier, M. E. W., Featherby, S., Benelhaj, N. E., Greenman, J., & Maraveyas, A. (2016). Analysis of the potential of cancer cell lines to release tissue factor-containing microvesicles: correlation with tissue factor and PAR2 expression. Thrombosis journal, 14(2), Article ARTN 2.

Despite the association of cancer-derived circulating tissue factor (TF)-containing microvesicles and hypercoagulable state, correlations with the incidence of thrombosis remain unclear.

In this study the upregulation of TF re... Read More about Analysis of the potential of cancer cell lines to release tissue factor-containing microvesicles: correlation with tissue factor and PAR2 expression.

Bleomycin increases neutrophil adhesion to human vascular endothelial cells independently of upregulation of ICAM-1 and E-selectin (2016)
Journal Article
Williamson, J. D., Sadofsky, L. R., Crooks, M. G., Greenman, J., & Hart, S. P. (2016). Bleomycin increases neutrophil adhesion to human vascular endothelial cells independently of upregulation of ICAM-1 and E-selectin. Experimental Lung Research, 42(8-10), 397-407.

© 2016 Taylor & Francis. Aim of the Study: Bleomycin-induced lung disease is a serious complication of therapy characterized by alveolar injury, cytokine release, inflammatory cell recruitment, and eventually pulmonary fibrosis. The mechanisms unde... Read More about Bleomycin increases neutrophil adhesion to human vascular endothelial cells independently of upregulation of ICAM-1 and E-selectin.

Oligoubiquitination of tissue factor on Lys255 promotes Ser253-dephosphorylation and terminates TF release (2016)
Journal Article
Ettelaie, C., Collier, M. E., Featherby, S., Greenman, J., & Maraveyas, A. (2016). Oligoubiquitination of tissue factor on Lys255 promotes Ser253-dephosphorylation and terminates TF release. BBA - Molecular Cell Research, 1863(11), 2846-2857.

Restriction of tissue factor (TF) activity at the cell surface and TF release are critical for prevention of excessive coagulation. This study examined the regulation of TF dephosphorylation and its release through ubiquitination. A plasmid containin... Read More about Oligoubiquitination of tissue factor on Lys255 promotes Ser253-dephosphorylation and terminates TF release.

Microfluidics : the fur-free way towards personalised medicine in cancer therapy (2016)
Journal Article
Dawson, A., Greenman, J., Bower, R., & Green, V. (in press). Microfluidics : the fur-free way towards personalised medicine in cancer therapy. Drug target review, 3(1), 12-17

Microfluidic technology has great potential for complementing and, in some instances, replacing the use of animal models in the testing of medicines and in developing personalised treatments for cancer patients. The maintenance of tissue in an in viv... Read More about Microfluidics : the fur-free way towards personalised medicine in cancer therapy.

Current advances in ligand design for inorganic positron emission tomography tracers ⁶⁸Ga, ⁶⁴Cu, ⁸⁹Zr and ⁴⁴Sc (2016)
Journal Article
Price, T. W., Greenman, J., & Stasiuk, G. J. (2016). Current advances in ligand design for inorganic positron emission tomography tracers ⁶⁸Ga, ⁶⁴Cu, ⁸⁹Zr and ⁴⁴Sc. Dalton Transactions : an international journal of inorganic chemistry, 45(40), 15702-15724.

A key part of the development of metal based Positron Emission Tomography probes is the chelation of the radiometal. In this review the recent developments in the chelation of four positron emitting radiometals, 68Ga, 64Cu, 89Zr and 44Sc, are explore... Read More about Current advances in ligand design for inorganic positron emission tomography tracers ⁶⁸Ga, ⁶⁴Cu, ⁸⁹Zr and ⁴⁴Sc.

Microfluidic culture of head and neck tumour maintains viability, as shown by single cell analysis, providing potential for novel applications and personalised medicine (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Bower, R., Green, V., Kuvshinov, D., Crank, S., Stafford, N., & Greenman, J. (2016, October). Microfluidic culture of head and neck tumour maintains viability, as shown by single cell analysis, providing potential for novel applications and personalised medicine. Presented at 20th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2016, Dublin, Ireland

The current paper details a succinct characterisation of an in-house designed microfluidic culture device. The maintenance of tissue viability was determined by studying single cells, following dissociation, of head and neck tumour pre and post cultu... Read More about Microfluidic culture of head and neck tumour maintains viability, as shown by single cell analysis, providing potential for novel applications and personalised medicine.