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Outputs (17)

‘We'd never had to set up a virtual school before’: Opportunities and challenges for primary and secondary teachers during emergency remote education (2021)
Journal Article
Gouseti, A. (2021). ‘We'd never had to set up a virtual school before’: Opportunities and challenges for primary and secondary teachers during emergency remote education. Review of Education, 9(3), Article e3305.

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought about the largest disruption to formal education in recent history and has resulted in school closures and the move to online teaching and learning across the globe. Using data from interviews with 25 teachers and he... Read More about ‘We'd never had to set up a virtual school before’: Opportunities and challenges for primary and secondary teachers during emergency remote education.

(Re)Assembling Anti-Oppressive Practice Teachings in Youth and Community Work through Collective Biography (2) (2021)
Journal Article
Bowler, R., Green, S., Smith, C., & Woolley, L. (2021). (Re)Assembling Anti-Oppressive Practice Teachings in Youth and Community Work through Collective Biography (2). Education Sciences, 11(9), Article 497.

This article draws on research undertaken as part of a Collective Biography project generated by a group of activists and lecturers teaching and researching in youth and community work (YCW). Collective Biography (CB) is an approach to research in wh... Read More about (Re)Assembling Anti-Oppressive Practice Teachings in Youth and Community Work through Collective Biography (2).

COVID-19 and Remote Learning: Experiences of Parents supporting Children with Special Needs and Disability during the Pandemic (2021)
Journal Article
Shaw, T., & Shaw, A. (2023). COVID-19 and Remote Learning: Experiences of Parents supporting Children with Special Needs and Disability during the Pandemic. Education 3-13, 51(3), 371-385.

The closure of school buildings due to COVID-19 created a challenge for parents and teachers supporting children’s remote learning. This paper presents findings of a study that explored whether parents of children with special educational needs and d... Read More about COVID-19 and Remote Learning: Experiences of Parents supporting Children with Special Needs and Disability during the Pandemic.

Competence and competency in higher education, simple terms yet with complex meanings: Theoretical and practical issues for university teachers and assessors implementing Competency-Based Education (CBE) (2021)
Journal Article
Holmes, A. G. D., Polman Tuin, M., & Turner, S. L. (2021). Competence and competency in higher education, simple terms yet with complex meanings: Theoretical and practical issues for university teachers and assessors implementing Competency-Based Education (CBE). Educational Process: International Journal, 10(3), 39-52.

There are different and conflicting definitions of competence, competency, and competency-based learning. Consequently, multiple interpretations and understandings are held by educators in respect of what these terms mean, when applied to their own t... Read More about Competence and competency in higher education, simple terms yet with complex meanings: Theoretical and practical issues for university teachers and assessors implementing Competency-Based Education (CBE).

Perfect Patterns: Exploring the Relationship between Young Children’s Schemas and Artmaking; Evidence and Implications for Practice (2021)
Journal Article
Traunter, J., & Traunter, I. (in press). Perfect Patterns: Exploring the Relationship between Young Children’s Schemas and Artmaking; Evidence and Implications for Practice. The International Art in Early Childhood Research Journal, 2021(1),

Historically, the significance of visual art in early childhood education and the link to children’s cognitive development has been lacked consideration in the literature. The early years are widely acknowledged as critical in contributing to childre... Read More about Perfect Patterns: Exploring the Relationship between Young Children’s Schemas and Artmaking; Evidence and Implications for Practice.

Using video as a form of artistic communication: preparing for undergraduate assessment in Initial Teacher Education (ITE) (2021)
Journal Article
Dockerty, K. (2021). Using video as a form of artistic communication: preparing for undergraduate assessment in Initial Teacher Education (ITE). Research on Education and Media, 12(1), 22-33.

In a fast-evolving Higher Education (HE) landscape amid the COVID-19 Pandemic the need for a Lecturer in Education to be dynamic and innovative with assessment pedagogy is no longer a desired skill but mandatory. In response to the demand from studen... Read More about Using video as a form of artistic communication: preparing for undergraduate assessment in Initial Teacher Education (ITE).

Using data-driven approaches to address systematic awarding gaps (2021)
Book Chapter
Hubbard, K. (2021). Using data-driven approaches to address systematic awarding gaps. In D. S. Thomas, & J. Arday (Eds.), Doing Equity and Diversity for Success in Higher Education : Redressing Structural Inequalities in the Academy (215-226). Palgrave Macmillan.

It is well known that universities award fewer “high class” degrees to students from traditionally underrepresented backgrounds. This issue has been recognised for years, but progress on closing these awarding gaps has been slow. As universities are... Read More about Using data-driven approaches to address systematic awarding gaps.

Can we actually assess learner autonomy? The problematic nature of assessing student autonomy. (2021)
Journal Article
Holmes, A. (2021). Can we actually assess learner autonomy? The problematic nature of assessing student autonomy. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 9(3), 8-15.

This paper explores, from a theoretical basis, the difficulty in defining and assessing learner autonomy in higher education. Despite the development of learner autonomy being a key aim of higher education, it is a vague and ill-defined term. As such... Read More about Can we actually assess learner autonomy? The problematic nature of assessing student autonomy..

Immersive-learning experiences in real-life contexts: deconstructing and reconstructing Vietnamese kindergarten teachers’ understanding of STEAM education (2021)
Journal Article
Shaw, P. A., Traunter, J. E., Nguyen, N., Huong, T. T., & Thao-Do, T. P. (2021). Immersive-learning experiences in real-life contexts: deconstructing and reconstructing Vietnamese kindergarten teachers’ understanding of STEAM education. International Journal of Early Years Education,

This paper presents a unique perspective into challenges faced by kindergarten teachers in engaging children in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) education in Vietnam. It reports on teachers’ perspectives of an adaptation... Read More about Immersive-learning experiences in real-life contexts: deconstructing and reconstructing Vietnamese kindergarten teachers’ understanding of STEAM education.

Why do some students opt out of fieldwork? Using expectancy-value theory to explore the hidden voices of non-participants (2021)
Journal Article
Peasland, E. L., Henri, D. C., Morrell, L. J., & Scott, G. W. (in press). Why do some students opt out of fieldwork? Using expectancy-value theory to explore the hidden voices of non-participants. International journal of science education, 1-24.

Fieldwork is an important part of higher education programmes in geography, geology, environmental sciences and biosciences because it offers opportunities to enhance graduate employability alongside pedagogical and social benefits. However, not all... Read More about Why do some students opt out of fieldwork? Using expectancy-value theory to explore the hidden voices of non-participants.

INtergenerational Stories of Erosion and Coastal community Understanding of REsilience ‘INSECURE’ (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Parsons, K., Jones, L., & Halstead, F. (2021, April). INtergenerational Stories of Erosion and Coastal community Understanding of REsilience ‘INSECURE’. Presented at EGU General Assembly 2021 (European Geosciences Union), vEGU21: Gather Online

The Holderness has some of the most rapidly eroding coastline in the world, with sections of cliff retreating >10m per year. These rates are due, in large part, to the soft composition of the boulder clay cliffs, but rates are accelerating rapidly in... Read More about INtergenerational Stories of Erosion and Coastal community Understanding of REsilience ‘INSECURE’.

An expert-led outdoor activity can have a lasting impact on the environmental knowledge of participating pupils and adults (2021)
Journal Article
Boyd, M., & Scott, G. W. (in press). An expert-led outdoor activity can have a lasting impact on the environmental knowledge of participating pupils and adults. Education 3-13, 1-11.

Children, and the adults who are responsible for their education, demonstrate an increasing lack of environmental understanding and knowledge. This is important because the development of societal environmental literacy will be key to the responses t... Read More about An expert-led outdoor activity can have a lasting impact on the environmental knowledge of participating pupils and adults.

Disciplinary literacies in STEM: what do undergraduates read, how do they read it, and can we teach scientific reading more effectively? (2021)
Journal Article
Hubbard, K. (2021). Disciplinary literacies in STEM: what do undergraduates read, how do they read it, and can we teach scientific reading more effectively?. Higher Education Pedagogies, 6(1), 41-65.

There have been calls for Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education to become more interdisciplinary, reflecting the reality of contemporary research. However, communicating across disciplines is challenging. In this article, I... Read More about Disciplinary literacies in STEM: what do undergraduates read, how do they read it, and can we teach scientific reading more effectively?.

What are the barriers and facilitators to success for female academics in UK HEIs? A narrative review (2021)
Journal Article
Westoby, C., Dyson, J., Cowdell, F., & Buescher, T. (in press). What are the barriers and facilitators to success for female academics in UK HEIs? A narrative review. Gender and Education, 1-24.

Gender inequality prevails in academia; there is currently no review on the barriers and facilitators to success for female academics in UK Higher Education. We conducted a systematic search identifying 32 papers addressing this issue. Narrative revi... Read More about What are the barriers and facilitators to success for female academics in UK HEIs? A narrative review.

Reflection From The Perspective Of New Reflectors (2021)
Journal Article
Hunter, D. (2021). Reflection From The Perspective Of New Reflectors. Reflective practice, 22(2), 278-291.

This paper aims to understand the experience of reflective activity from the perspective of Teacher Learners (TLs) encountering reflective ideas for the first time. By identifying elements of a pedagogic reflective task they found most valuable and p... Read More about Reflection From The Perspective Of New Reflectors.

2020-Vision: understanding climate (in)action through the emotional lens of loss (2021)
Journal Article
Jones, L., Halstead, F., Parsons, K. J., Le, H., Bui, L. T. H., Hackney, C. R., & Parsons, D. R. (2021). 2020-Vision: understanding climate (in)action through the emotional lens of loss. Journal of the British Academy, 9(s5), 29-68.

We are the midst of a climate emergency requiring urgent climate action that is as yet unforthcoming both on the scale and at the speed needed. This article considers this current state of inaction and how we might understand the processes of attitud... Read More about 2020-Vision: understanding climate (in)action through the emotional lens of loss.

Young Children's Well-being: Social Isolation During The COVID-19 Lockdown and Effective Strategies (2021)
Journal Article
Urbina-Garcia, A. (2021). Young Children's Well-being: Social Isolation During The COVID-19 Lockdown and Effective Strategies. Diálogos sobre educación : temas actuales en investigación educativa, 22(12), 1-16

The rapid spread of COVID-19 has triggered a worldwide epidemic emergency which is an international concern that poses a number of challenges to the physical and mental health of humans across the globe. Like businesses and universities, schools arou... Read More about Young Children's Well-being: Social Isolation During The COVID-19 Lockdown and Effective Strategies.