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Outputs (68)

Ensuring children have the right knowledge and skills at the right time (2024)
Journal Article
Dockerty, K. (2024). Ensuring children have the right knowledge and skills at the right time. Primary science review : the primary science journal of the ASE, 15-17

Dr. Kelly Dockerty shares her thoughts on the implications for teacher training and practice, when considering the challenges highlighted by the Primary STEM Education Consultancy publication 'Links and Discrepancies between Maths and Science’ (2023)... Read More about Ensuring children have the right knowledge and skills at the right time.

"Here’s Why you should use the Reflective Approach to Teaching Practicum Debriefing (RATPD): Insights into its Usefulness, Benefits, and Challenges from over a decade of research. (2024)
Journal Article
Minott, M. (2024). "Here’s Why you should use the Reflective Approach to Teaching Practicum Debriefing (RATPD): Insights into its Usefulness, Benefits, and Challenges from over a decade of research. Essays in Education, 30(2), Article 2

Presently, a common occurrence is seeking customers’ views on products and services. Recently, I contacted my local bank for a replacement bank card, and within a few days, I got a “we value your feedback” email in my inbox. This essay, which aims to... Read More about "Here’s Why you should use the Reflective Approach to Teaching Practicum Debriefing (RATPD): Insights into its Usefulness, Benefits, and Challenges from over a decade of research..

'Boys don’t play with girls’ Gender Boundaries in Play: An Analysis of Preschool Children's Regulation of Gendered Behaviour Across Three Settings (2024)
Kilburn, C. 'Boys don’t play with girls’ Gender Boundaries in Play: An Analysis of Preschool Children's Regulation of Gendered Behaviour Across Three Settings. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This thesis contributes to the contemporary discussions around the impact of gender on preschool children’s lives. Drawing on theories of young children’s gender development and Bronfenbrenner’s socio-ecological theory, this research examines the rol... Read More about 'Boys don’t play with girls’ Gender Boundaries in Play: An Analysis of Preschool Children's Regulation of Gendered Behaviour Across Three Settings.

Looking for another assessment tool that activates the principles of AaL (Assessment as Learning)? Look no further than the RATPD! (2024)
Journal Article
Minott, M. (2024). Looking for another assessment tool that activates the principles of AaL (Assessment as Learning)? Look no further than the RATPD!. Essays in Education, 30(1), Article 1

Frequently discussed in the literature on assessment, are the ideas of assessment of learning (AoL), assessment for learning (AfL) and assessment as learning (AaL). This review paper draws the readers’ attention to the idea of assessment as learning... Read More about Looking for another assessment tool that activates the principles of AaL (Assessment as Learning)? Look no further than the RATPD!.

Using a modified version of the reflective approach to teaching practicum debriefing in assessing learning outcomes in a university module. (2023)
Journal Article
Minott, M. (2023). Using a modified version of the reflective approach to teaching practicum debriefing in assessing learning outcomes in a university module. Reflective practice, 24(6), 721-735.

This action research study aimed to ascertain the usefulness of a modified version of the reflective approach to teaching practicum debriefing (MVRATPD) strategy in ascertaining the degree to which students in a United Kingdom university faculty of e... Read More about Using a modified version of the reflective approach to teaching practicum debriefing in assessing learning outcomes in a university module..

A discursive psychological examination of educators’ experiences of children with disabilities accessing the Internet: a role for digital resilience (2023)
Journal Article
Hammond, S. P., D'Arcy, J., Minott, M., & Krasniqi, E. (2023). A discursive psychological examination of educators’ experiences of children with disabilities accessing the Internet: a role for digital resilience. Information, Communication and Society,

Educators have an increasingly important role in supporting children with disabilities to connect with and through the Internet. Children with disabilities encounter more risks in connected environments than their peers. These risk experiences are li... Read More about A discursive psychological examination of educators’ experiences of children with disabilities accessing the Internet: a role for digital resilience.

Training teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic: using live video for observation of practicum (2022)
Journal Article
Dockerty, K. (2022). Training teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic: using live video for observation of practicum. Research on Education and Media, 14(2), 15-21.

This article provides a vignette to exemplify how the training of teachers in primary schools in England was adapted in one context during the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the key challenges HEIs and Schools faced was how to continue to assess the pract... Read More about Training teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic: using live video for observation of practicum.

Cross-curricular real-world sustainable dilemmas (2022)
Journal Article
Dockerty, K., & Gleisinger, J. (2022). Cross-curricular real-world sustainable dilemmas. Primary Geography, 34-35

In this vignette of Initial Teacher Training, Kelly introduces the context and Jessie presents a project she devised in which pupils examined a problem-based scenario on a real-world sustainable development issue that was aligned to the National Curr... Read More about Cross-curricular real-world sustainable dilemmas.