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The structure of mentors' behaviour in clinical nursing education: Confirmatory factor analysis (2018)
Journal Article
Chen, Y., Watson, R., & Hilton, A. (2018). The structure of mentors' behaviour in clinical nursing education: Confirmatory factor analysis. Nurse education today, 68, 192-197.

Aims: To study if a three-factor structure of mentors' behaviour identified through exploratory factor analysis could be confirmed in a dataset assessing mentors' performance using structural equation modelling. Background: To measure mentor's behavi... Read More about The structure of mentors' behaviour in clinical nursing education: Confirmatory factor analysis.

Telemonitoring in subjects with newly diagnosed heart failure with reduced ejection fraction: From clinical research to everyday practice (2018)
Journal Article
Koulaouzidis, G., Barrett, D., Mohee, K., & Clark, A. (2019). Telemonitoring in subjects with newly diagnosed heart failure with reduced ejection fraction: From clinical research to everyday practice. Journal of telemedicine and telecare, 25(3), 167-171.

© 2018, The Author(s) 2018. Introduction: Heart failure is increasingly common, and characterised by frequent admissions to hospital. To try and reduce the risk of hospitalisation, techniques such as telemonitoring (TM) may have a role. We wanted to... Read More about Telemonitoring in subjects with newly diagnosed heart failure with reduced ejection fraction: From clinical research to everyday practice.

Exploring the evidence base for how people with dementia and their informal carers manage their medication in the community : a mixed studies review (2017)
Journal Article
Hilton, A., Aston, L., Maidment, I., Moutela, T., & Shaw, R. (2017). Exploring the evidence base for how people with dementia and their informal carers manage their medication in the community : a mixed studies review. BMC Geriatrics, 17(1), Article ARTN 242.

Background: Little is known about the general medicines management issues for people with dementia living in the community. This review has three aims: firstly to explore and evaluate the international literature on how people with dementia manage me... Read More about Exploring the evidence base for how people with dementia and their informal carers manage their medication in the community : a mixed studies review.

Challenge Demcare: management of challenging behaviour in dementia at home and in care homes – development, evaluation and implementation of an online individualised intervention for care homes; and a cohort study of specialist community mental health care for families (2017)
Journal Article
Moniz-Cook, E., Hart, C., Woods, B., Whitaker, C., James, I., Russell, I., Edwards, R. T., Hilton, A., Orrell, M., Campion, P., Stokes, G., Jones, R. S., Bird, M., Poland, F., & Manthorpe, J. (2017). Challenge Demcare: management of challenging behaviour in dementia at home and in care homes – development, evaluation and implementation of an online individualised intervention for care homes; and a cohort study of specialist community mental health care for families. Programme Grants for Applied Research, 5(15), 1-290.


Dementia with challenging behaviour (CB) causes significant distress for caregivers and the person with dementia. It is associated with breakdown of care at home and disruption in care homes. Challenge Demcare aimed to assist care home... Read More about Challenge Demcare: management of challenging behaviour in dementia at home and in care homes – development, evaluation and implementation of an online individualised intervention for care homes; and a cohort study of specialist community mental health care for families.

Rethinking presence: a grounded theory of nurses and teleconsultation (2017)
Journal Article
Barrett, D. (2017). Rethinking presence: a grounded theory of nurses and teleconsultation. Journal of clinical nursing, 26(19-20), 3088-3098.

Aims and objectives: To develop a theory that offered an evidence-based insight into the use of teleconsultation by nurses. Background: Teleconsultation is the use of video to facilitate real-time, remote interaction between healthcare practitioners... Read More about Rethinking presence: a grounded theory of nurses and teleconsultation.

Factors affecting the programme completion of pre-registration nursing students through a three year course: a retrospective cohort study (2017)
Journal Article
Wray, J., Aspland, J., Barrett, D., & Gardiner, E. (2017). Factors affecting the programme completion of pre-registration nursing students through a three year course: a retrospective cohort study. Nurse education in practice, 24, 14-20.

© 2017 Students who leave pre-registration nurse education having failed to complete remain a concern for higher education institutions. This study identifed factors influencing completion using a retrospective cohort analysis to map student characte... Read More about Factors affecting the programme completion of pre-registration nursing students through a three year course: a retrospective cohort study.

A qualitative study exploring medication management in people with dementia living in the community and the potential role of the community pharmacist (2017)
Journal Article
Maidment, I. D., Aston, L., Moutela, T., Fox, C. G., & Hilton, A. (2017). A qualitative study exploring medication management in people with dementia living in the community and the potential role of the community pharmacist. Health Expectations, 20(5), 929-942.

Background The prevalence of dementia is increasing rapidly. People with dementia may be prescribed complex medication regimens, which may be challenging for them and any carers involved to safely manage. Objective To describe and understand the key... Read More about A qualitative study exploring medication management in people with dementia living in the community and the potential role of the community pharmacist.

Desperately seeking consistency: student nurses' experiences and expectations of academic supervision (2016)
Journal Article
Gratrix, L., & Barrett, D. (2017). Desperately seeking consistency: student nurses' experiences and expectations of academic supervision. Nurse education today, 48, 7-12.

© 2016 Elsevier Ltd Background Academic supervision - the support available to students when writing assignments - is a fundamental element in the provision of support within nurse education. Not only can it underpin high levels of academic achieveme... Read More about Desperately seeking consistency: student nurses' experiences and expectations of academic supervision.

Managing constipation in adults with co-morbidities (2016)
Journal Article
Gardiner, A., & Hilton, A. (2016). Managing constipation in adults with co-morbidities. Independent nurse, 2016(10), 21-25.

Constipation can be described in a number of ways but in general it is related to straining, reduced frequency of defecation and/or a sensation of incomplete bowel emptying. The ability of the bowel to empty is related to the effectiveness of colonic... Read More about Managing constipation in adults with co-morbidities.

A qualitative meta-synthesis of young peoples' experiences of ‘sexting’ (2016)
Journal Article
Wilkinson, Y., Whitfield, C., Hannigan, S., Azam Ali, P., & Hayter, M. (2016). A qualitative meta-synthesis of young peoples' experiences of ‘sexting’. British Journal of School Nursing, 11(4), 183-191.

Objective: To conduct a meta-synthesis of the qualitative research to explore young people's experiences and use of smart phones to send and receive sexually focused messages and images. Design: A qualitative meta-synthesis was conducted on the retri... Read More about A qualitative meta-synthesis of young peoples' experiences of ‘sexting’.

How to perform open tracheal suction via an endotracheal tube (2016)
Journal Article
Credland, N. (2016). How to perform open tracheal suction via an endotracheal tube. Nursing standard, 30(35), 36-38.

Rationale and key points Tracheal suction involves the removal of pulmonary secretions from the respiratory tract using negative pressure under sterile conditions. Practitioners should be aware of the indications for, and risks associated with, open... Read More about How to perform open tracheal suction via an endotracheal tube.

Improving the management of behaviour that challenges associated with dementia in care homes: protocol for pharmacy-health psychology intervention feasibility study (2016)
Journal Article
Maidment, I. D., Shaw, R. L., Killick, K., Damery, S., Hilton, A., Wilcock, J., Barnes, N., Brown, G., Gillespie, S., Fox, C., Barton, G., Iliffe, S., & Seare, N. (2016). Improving the management of behaviour that challenges associated with dementia in care homes: protocol for pharmacy-health psychology intervention feasibility study. BMJ open, 6(3), e010279.

Introduction The inappropriate use of antipsychotics in people with dementia for behaviour that challenges is associated with an estimated 1800 deaths annually. However, solely focusing on antipsychotics may transfer prescribing to other equally dang... Read More about Improving the management of behaviour that challenges associated with dementia in care homes: protocol for pharmacy-health psychology intervention feasibility study.

Role of community pharmacists in the use of antipsychotics for behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD): A qualitative study (2016)
Journal Article
Maidment, I. D., Aston, L., Hilton, A., Iqbal, N., Child, A., & Shaw, R. (2016). Role of community pharmacists in the use of antipsychotics for behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD): A qualitative study. BMJ open, 6(3), Article ARTN e010278.

Objective This study aimed to use qualitative methodology to understand the current role of community pharmacists in limiting the use of antipsychotics prescribed inappropriately for behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia. Design A qualit... Read More about Role of community pharmacists in the use of antipsychotics for behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD): A qualitative study.

An exploration of the structure of mentors' behavior in nursing education using exploratory factor analysis and Mokken scale analysis (2016)
Journal Article
Chen, Y., Watson, R., & Hilton, A. (2016). An exploration of the structure of mentors' behavior in nursing education using exploratory factor analysis and Mokken scale analysis. Nurse education today, 40, 161-167.

© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. Background: To understand nursing students' expectation from their mentors and assess mentors' performance, a scale of mentors' behavior was developed based on literature review and focus group in China. Objectives: This study ai... Read More about An exploration of the structure of mentors' behavior in nursing education using exploratory factor analysis and Mokken scale analysis.

A review of mentorship measurement tools (2016)
Journal Article
Chen, Y., Watson, R., & Hilton, A. (2016). A review of mentorship measurement tools. Nurse education today, 40, 20-28.

© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. Objectives: To review mentorship measurement tools in various fields to inform nursing educators on selection, application, and developing of mentoring instruments. Design: A literature review informed by PRISMA 2009 guidelines.... Read More about A review of mentorship measurement tools.

Group Dynamics in Organisations: A Core Literacy for Innovation Leaders in the NHS (2015)
Journal Article
Penlington, C., & Marshall, P. (2016). Group Dynamics in Organisations: A Core Literacy for Innovation Leaders in the NHS. Journal of Health and Medical Economics, 2(1), 1-6

Purpose: Individuals attempting to lead change in the NHS are often thwarted in their efforts by complex and powerful group dynamics, many of which operate seemingly unpredictably, actively resisting any alteration to the status quo. If clinicians ar... Read More about Group Dynamics in Organisations: A Core Literacy for Innovation Leaders in the NHS.

Companion animals and well-being in palliative care nursing: a literature review (2015)
Journal Article
MacDonald, J. M., & Barrett, D. (2016). Companion animals and well-being in palliative care nursing: a literature review. Journal of clinical nursing, 25(3-4), 300-310.

Aims and objectives To evaluate and critique current knowledge regarding the role of animals in palliative care. To explore the impact that animals may have on the well-being of individuals and to identify gaps in the evidence base. Background There... Read More about Companion animals and well-being in palliative care nursing: a literature review.

Antenatal young parents: introducing a pathway to enhance health visiting practice (2015)
Journal Article
Jennison, L. (2015). Antenatal young parents: introducing a pathway to enhance health visiting practice. Community Practitioner, 88(7), 37-40

Although their numbers have declined over the last 10 years, younger (teenage) parents are still one of the most disadvantaged client groups and have significantly poorer health outcomes for both themselves and their children.This article describes t... Read More about Antenatal young parents: introducing a pathway to enhance health visiting practice.