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Dr Vicky Skoulou's Recognition (158)

GECOST 2021 Conference Keynote Speaker : Conversion of Biomass waste to value added feedstock for solid biofuels and green energy production
2021 - 2021

Description Conversion of Biomass waste to value added feedstock for solid biofuels and green energy production

Keynote Speaker: Dr V.Skoulou

The exploitation of alternative, green fuels such as the lignocellulosic (woody and herbaceous) biomass waste in energy production, offers the advantages of: i) improved waste management, ii) resource efficiency, iii) reduced dependence on imported energy and iv) increased renewables usage in power production. Low carbon thermochemical processes such as pyrolysis and gasification, in combination with exploitation of biomass waste can reduce the carbon footprint of the energy production sector and offer an additional source of income to farmers and agro industries. When woody and herbaceous waste (e.g. empty fruit bunches and kernels, rice straws) are fed in raw form into fluidised bed technologies (FBGs) such gasifiers for bioenergy production, operational problems like ash fusion and bed agglomeration appear. To ensure a sustainable and efficient operation of such technologies fed on biomass waste, raw material needs to be pre-treated in order to ensure long term operation of bioenergy systems without disturbance as well as optimize the economics of these new fuels by solving logistic issues. As a result these optimised biomass fuels will accelerate the decarbonization of the energy production sector. In this way any underestimated biomass ‘waste’ sources produced locally will be upgraded to a highly desirable and sustainable feedstock for further bioenergy related uses and innovation which is brought by a multidisciplinary approach in the field.

GECOST 2021 was held virtually on July 7 – 9, 2021.

GECOST 2021 was organized by Curtin University Malaysia and technically sponsored by IEEE Malaysia Comsoc & VTS Joint Chapter.

The aim of the GECOST 2021 was to serve as a forum for engineers, researchers, and specialists from academia, research centers, and industry worldwide to discuss and present the latest developments and applications related to the challenges of securing green and clean energy sources for the 21st century to protect the environment.

GECOST 2021 brought the theme of “Green Sustainable Technologies for Creating a Better World”. The main areas of interest included, but not limited to, the following tracks:

Track 1: Green Computing and Security

Track 2: Green Communications, Networks, and Signal Processing

Track 3: Intelligent Embedded Systems and Analytics

Track 4: Green Energy and Power System, Smart Grid

Track 5: Sensors, Green Materials, Alternative Energy and Control Process


Mardeni Roslee, Multimedia University, Malaysia

Pelin Angin, Middle East Technical University, Turkey

Vasiliki (Vicky) Skoulou, Hull University, UK
Affiliated Organisations University of Hull
Projects Microwave assisted Pre-treatment of lignocellulosic residues for better performance as solid fuels in fluidised bed technologies
Org Units Chemical Engineering

2021 #RSCPoster Twitter Conference : Innovative Pre-treatment of woody waste to create alternative fuels for thermochemical reactors
2021 - 2021

Description The 2021 #RSCPoster Twitter Conference was held on 2 March 2021 from 12:00 UTC for 24 hours and has now finished. It was an incredible year with around 900 people from over 60 countries around the globe sharing their science. The Chairs are finalising their choices so keep an eye out for the winners announcement shortly!

2021 #RSC Poster Twitter Conference

2nd March 2021

Innovative Pre-treatment of woody waste to create alternative fuels for thermochemical reactors

Hassan Alabdrabalameer, Martin J. Taylor and Vasiliki Skoulou*

By Hassan Alabdrabalameer :
Developing a fast, efficient and green method of ash extraction for better energy production from biomass.
#RSCEnergy , #RSCPoster
The new developed pre-treatment method reduced the energy consumption by 480 times.

More energy conserved, more the planet life is reserved!!
Affiliated Organisations University of Hull
Projects Microwave assisted Pre-treatment of lignocellulosic residues for better performance as solid fuels in fluidised bed technologies
Org Units Energy and Environment Institute
Chemical Engineering

Chem Eng Day 2021 : Avoidance of the operational problem of Bed Agglomeration during Gasification of Barley Straw in Fluidized bed energy generation technologies.
2021 - 2021

Description Avoidance of the operational problem of Bed Agglomeration during Gasification of Barley Straw in Fluidized bed energy generation technologies.
Hassan A. Alabdrab-Alameer1, Martin J. Taylor2 and Vasiliki Skoulou1,2
1 B 3 Challenge Group, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Hull,UK, 2 Energy and Environment Institute (EEI), University of Hull, UK
Problematic lignocellulosic waste such as straw (around 5%wt of ash and low bulk density causing problems during reactors’ feeding) cause defluidisation in fluidized bed energy generation systems. Such waste contain much higher amount of alkali and alkali earth metals (especially K). Potassium (K) for example interacts with the cheap and easy to find bed material (silica sand), leading to bed agglomeration operational problems which in turn results in pressure drop increase and loss of fluidisation due to eutectic mixtures creation. Leaching (water washing) the problematic inorganic constitutes from such type of waste reduces the tendency towards bed agglomeration of FB technologies commonly used in wasteto-energy plants. Untreated barley straw was fed to the fluidized bed reactor at temperatures ranging from 750 to 950oC and bed agglomerated. The de-fluidization operational problem became more prominent as the bed temperature increased. On the other hand, pre-treated barley straw didn’t lead to any bed agglomeration during continuous operation and lowered gaseous emissions compared to raw barley straw. Leaching reduced also both K and chlorine (Cl) by almost 90% after leaching in the water as well as improved feeding of feedstock into the gasification system. SEM/EDX characterization of the bed material before and after de-fluidization indicated the nature of bed agglomeration phenomena and actual composition of the ash decoration on the surface of the bed material. The raw straw coating composition presented a high K content (50%wt) with low content of Si (15%wt). However, the SEM/EDX results of the bed material after gasifiying the leached straw didn’t show any agglomeration by eutectic mixtures of very low concentration of K (< 2%wt) and Si (~70%wt). The latter enabled avoidance of the FB agglomeration operational problem and decreased the chances of forming eutectic mixtures.
Acknowledgments: Authors would like to thank the BRISK2 Project (Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme, grant: 731101) and EPSRC for co-funding parts of this project (EPSRC New Investigator Grant (former First Grant), grant number EP/P034667/1).
Keywords: Lignocellulosic biomass waste, Bed agglomeration, Leaching, Fluidized bed, Continuous process
Affiliated Organisations University of Hull
Projects Microwave assisted Pre-treatment of lignocellulosic residues for better performance as solid fuels in fluidised bed technologies
Org Units ZZ (Archived) Department of Chemical Engineering
Energy and Environment Institute

Your Future Career and Perspectives at the University of Hull: Low carbon energy generation from waste sources to combat climate change and waste production
2021 - 2021

Description FOSE 3rd Research Culture and Community Seminar 19th January , 2021 : Dr Vasiliki Skoulou
Affiliated Organisations University of Hull
Projects Microwave assisted Pre-treatment of lignocellulosic residues for better performance as solid fuels in fluidised bed technologies
Org Units ZZ (Archived) Department of Chemical Engineering

Scientific Committee of the 12th National Confererene for the Renewable Enegry Sources of the Institute of Solar Technology Thematic session: Biomass (In Greek)
2021 - 2021

Description Member of the Scientific Committee of the
Institute of Solar Technology
Expert Sub-section: 2. Biomass and waste as energy sources
Affiliated Organisations Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
University of Hull
Research Themes Energy, Environment and Sustainability
Projects Microwave assisted Pre-treatment of lignocellulosic residues for better performance as solid fuels in fluidised bed technologies
THYME: Reclaiming lignin rich sludge after enzymatic hydrolysis for repurposing and pelletizing into a secondary fuel source for thermochemical transformation
Org Units Chemical Engineering

CEES 2021 International Conference, Spain : Thematic Session 10: Renewable Energy (RES) Technologies in Buildings and Built Environment
2021 - 2021

Description CEES 2021 : Construction Energy and Environment Sustainability International Conference , Coimbra Portugal , 12-15 October 2021

The first International Conference on Construction, Energy, Environment and Sustainability - CEES 2021 - is taking place in Coimbra, Portugal, October 2021, and is being organized by Itecons.

Globally, we are faced with resource scarcity, climate change and increased urbanisation. More than ever, there is a need for increasing the sustainability of the built environment and construction activities.

As concerns with sustainability, efficiency and wellbeing continue to grow, the construction industry must not only continue to embrace new technologies, processes and materials, but also continue to address the many challenges facing the existing building stock. The first International CEES conference aims to bring together construction, energy and environment researchers, engineers, planners, stakeholders and policy makers to address these challenges.

In order to achieve a sustainable built environment and a sustainable construction activity, professionals from a wide range of backgrounds need to work together, from researchers working on the development of innovative construction materials and technologies, on building physics and energy performance, or on studying the environmental effects of manmade infrastructure, to those working towards the adoption of the industry 4.0 principals or those working in a more regional and urban scale, all the while without neglecting the social aspect of sustainable construction and housing.
In this context, we are looking for contributions related with, but not limited to, a wide range of multidisciplinary topics, which are arranged in six general themes:

Construction materials and technologies
Building physics
Construction and industry 4.0
Community challenges and policies

and the special thematic session:

Organized by Apostolos Michopoulos (University of Cyprus, Cyprus) and Vasiliki Skoulou (University of Hull, UK)
Affiliated Organisations University of Hull
Projects Microwave assisted Pre-treatment of lignocellulosic residues for better performance as solid fuels in fluidised bed technologies
THYME: Reclaiming lignin rich sludge after enzymatic hydrolysis for repurposing and pelletizing into a secondary fuel source for thermochemical transformation
Org Units Chemical Engineering

CA17128 LignoCOST Workshop :‘Current status of lignin valorisation in Europe’ in Stockholm, Sweden
2020 - 2020

Description The main objective of LignoCOST is to establish a sound network covering the entire value chain in which relevant information can be produced with a focus on lignin valorisation towards sustainable industrial applications. Only when working together this information can be gathered to cover the technical, non-technical, environmental and socio-economic implications of the most promising lignin value chains.
Affiliated Organisations No Partners
Projects Microwave assisted Pre-treatment of lignocellulosic residues for better performance as solid fuels in fluidised bed technologies
Org Units Chemical Engineering

Women's Higher Education Network (WHEN)

Description The WHEN network enables members to connect with colleagues beyond their own institution and city, and draw on the power of women from across the HE sector. Women can learn from one another in an empowering and supportive environment, whether on or offline. Members will have access to a vibrant online community in addition to offline networking opportunities, tailored training events and an annual conference. WHEN offers the first and only national network dedicated to the development and advancement of all women working in higher education. The WHEN network explicitly recognises and addresses the unique differences and challenges faced by professional services women, as well as academic women.
Affiliated Organisations University of Hull

Sustainability and Resilience to Climate Change Hazards and Gender Equality _ Sustainability (MDPI)
2020 - 2021

Description Dear Colleagues,

Gender equality and inclusion are of growing importance and focus in many sectors, including education, research, business, and governance. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is envisaging building peaceful, resilient, equitable, and inclusive societies. Sustainable development implies constant evolutionary and adaptive change, while gender equality is a prerequisite to this. Gender equality is a critical goal because its implementation can foster positive cascading effects on the achievement of all SDGs, and it is directly connected to the nexus of education-sustainability. In terms of climate change-based disasters, the transition towards socio-ecological resilience should be aligned with the fundamental aspect of gender equality. Women are the victims of climate change disasters and gender equality is another parameter that must be considered in climate-based resilience. Vulnerabilities and gender inequality can impede the effectiveness and sustainability of climate change responses. Increasing gender equality has a positive impact on productivity, boosts problem-solving, and increases innovation, all of which are essential outcomes for tackling the great challenges we are facing, from health to food security, from climate change to sustainable communities. Women’s greater participation would not only be a social policy but would also enhance sustainability, resilience, and democracy. Policy planning should integrate natural and social capitals, ethics, and values, as agencies towards the acceleration of the fundamental changes for a sustainable and resilient life.

This Special Issue comprises papers that explore the multifaceted dimensions of gender equality in relation to sustainability and resilience to climate change hazards. Through a series of papers, it explores promising approaches for transforming higher education, research, leadership, policy making, and institutions towards gender equality. Gender equality is a wicked problem interconnected with overlapping complexities inherent in our society that create symbiotic relationships that connect issues to one another. Therefore, gender equality is interconnected with the global challenges of climate change, health, security of food, water, waste, energy, and biodiversity. Vulnerabilities and gender inequality can impede the effectiveness and sustainability of climate change responses. Increasing gender equality has a positive impact on productivity, boosts problem-solving and increases innovation, and creates sustainable and inclusive communities. Women’s greater participation and empowerment would enhance sustainability, resilience, and democracy. Policy planning should integrate natural and social capitals, ethics, and values, as agencies towards the acceleration of the fundamental changes for a sustainable and resilient life. The purpose of the Special Issue is to contribute responding to climate change (mitigation, adaptation, technology transfer and financing) by including a gender lens and arguing that gender be horizontally integrated into climate change response efforts.

Prof. Dr. Anastasia Zabaniotou
Prof. Paola Rizzi
Prof. Dr. Khaled A. Al-Sahili
Dr. Vasiliki Skoulou
Ms. Maria Cristina Marolda
Guest Editors
Affiliated Organisations University of Hull

The Carbon Online Conference & Exhibition, 2020
2020 - 2020

Description The Carbon Conference focused on Ireland's 2030 Climate Action Agenda. The primary goal of this conference will be to unify government bodies, academics, and Industry leaders in taking action on achieving our 2030 Agenda. We will tackle these issues head-on by providing cost-effective solutions to the inevitable carbon pricing & changes in legislation.

We will introduce new technologies and advancements across various sectors highlighting the latest trends and opportunities available to businesses and landowners across the country.

Companies can save up to 70% of their energy usage alone through new smart technologies. This conference is for high-level professionals seeking innovative ways to ensure they are on target
to meet Ireland’s climate action plan and reduce our carbon footprint.
Affiliated Organisations University of Hull
Org Units Chemical Engineering

Impact of Refuel and Refuel2 projects : Next generation solid fuels
2020 - 2022

Description Dr Skoulou as the PI of the ReFuel and ReFuel 2 projects lead to their impact by

a) catalyzing 2 research partnerships
b) Winner of the LECO Analytical Applications Poster Competition/LA2PC 2020/2021
and her PDRA Dr M. Taylor's establishment of an independed academic career via the BECCS Innovation funding secured for the Bluegen Project. Dr. V.Skoulou them served the role of CoI by submitting 2 industrial reports corresponding the the Deliverables of the Bluegen Project.
Affiliated Organisations 00 Partner to be confirmed
Research Themes Energy, Environment and Sustainability
Projects THYME: REclaiming lignin rich waste for next generation solid bioFuel2 source for thermochemical conversion to bioenergy via pyrolysis and gasification (Re-Fuel2)
THYME: Reclaiming lignin rich sludge after enzymatic hydrolysis for repurposing and pelletizing into a secondary fuel source for thermochemical transformation
Org Units Chemical Engineering

Faculty of Science and Engineering Ethics Committee - Member
2019 - 2022

Optimized solid fuels by alternative pretreatments
2019 - 2020

Description Dr Vicky Skoulou leads the way to innovative biomass waste pretreatments such as ultrasound pretreatment and pelletization of biomass waste for optimized solid fuels production.
The work kick started under her leadership by the EP/P034667/1 grant and expanded with her international academic collaborators from the University of Cyprus (Dr Apostolos Michopoulos) , Queen University London (Dr Roberto Volpe)
as well as the B3 Challenge Group members (PGRs and PDRAs) under her supervision:
PhD Candidate Hassan Alabdrabalameer (Chem. Engineering Department UoH)
PDRA Dr Martin Taylor (Thyme Fellow, EEI)
and co-funding from a sludge waste repurposing as an optimized fuels Thyme PoC project sunder her Principal Investigator leadership. (
Affiliated Organisations University of Hull
Projects Microwave assisted Pre-treatment of lignocellulosic residues for better performance as solid fuels in fluidised bed technologies
Org Units Chemical Engineering

University Award for Outstanding External Grant Capture 2019
2019 - 2019

Description The outstanding contributions made by academics, professional service staff and students to learning, teaching and research in the Faculty of Science and Engineering have been recognised at an awards ceremony.

The aim of the awards is to recognise the hard work done by individuals and groups across the faculty over the last 12 months. The categories recognise established and early-career researchers, people in leadership roles, students and colleagues from other areas of the university who make a contribution to the faculty.

The winners were nominated by colleagues and presented with their awards by Professor Graham Scott, Interim Dean of the Faculty of Science and Engineering. Dr David Richards, Pro-Vice-Chancellor Research and Enterprise, and Professor Becky Huxley-Binns, Pro-Vice-Chancellor Education, attended the ceremony.

The Award for Outstanding External Grant Capture

The Circular Plastics Economy team (from 12 Departments across campus, led by FSE staff: Professor Carl Redshaw, Dr Chadra Kambhampati, Dr Pauline Deutz, Dr Sharif Zein, Dr Vicky Skoulou, Dr Will Mayes).
Affiliated Organisations 00 Partner to be confirmed
Research Themes Energy, Environment and Sustainability
Projects Evolving a Circular Plastics Economy
Org Units Chemical Engineering
URL Outstanding External Grant Capture

Travel Award BRISK2 Biofuels Research Infrastructure for Sharing Knowledge Travel Grant - VTT Research Institute , Finland
2019 - 2019

Description BRISK2 Biofuels Research Infrastructure for Sharing Knowledge EU Horizon 2020 program awarded a Transnational Research Facilities Access Grant (max 1,200 E) to PhD Candidate H. Alabdrabalameer and Dr Skoulou, on February 2019.

His First Supervisor Dr V. Skoulou built the research idea/application and awarded a small fund for Mr H.A.Alabdrabalameer for accessing and using the Research Facilities of VTT Technical Research Centre , Finland , in order to test the thermochemical behavior of pre-treated lignocellulosic biomass waste in a fluidized bed (FB) thermochemical reactor system.

Max 1,200 €

Project Completed and resulted in the following publication:

Project Participants Results :
Affiliated Organisations University of Hull
Org Units Chemical Engineering

Pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass waste for enhanced thermochemical decomposition for bioenergy production- Chemical Engineering Day 2019
2019 - 2019

Description Pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass waste for enhanced thermochemical decomposition for bioenergy production.

by H.A. Alabdrabalameer, M.J. Taylor and V.Skoulou*

The pre-treatment of woody and herbaceous lignocellulosic biomass waste has been explored to enhance its properties as a solid fuel source and control the inherent parameters such as moisture and ash content (inorganic residues that remain after combustion), as well as oxygen content, low calorific value, high volatilIly and low bulk density. Various chemical and physicochemical methods of leaching such as; hotplate, microwave and mechano-acoustic technologies have been used to combat the issues mentioned above, as well as determining an optimum substrate particle size via milling techniques. Facilitating pre-treatments under mild conditions have been found to not only be beneficial in the reduction of inorganic components such as P, S, Na, K and Ca (as determined by ICP-OES). They have been found to cause no detrimental effect to the complex organic matrix, where lignin and hemicellulose content of the substrate when measured by FTIR. Pre-treatment studies have been found to reduce the overall cellulosic crystallinity (calculated by Segal’s equation in PXRD) which is beneficial for thermochemical upgrading when using pyrolysis and gasification. Thermochemical studies have been conducted via thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) under N2 at varying temperatures to model pyrolysis conditions to calculate the biomass reactivity and heating value. It has been found that microwave based leaching is the most effective at reducing inorganic species and therefore lowering the ash content while maintaining the lignin, hemicellulose and cellulose content, as determined by ultimate analysis.
Affiliated Organisations University of Hull
Projects Microwave assisted Pre-treatment of lignocellulosic residues for better performance as solid fuels in fluidised bed technologies
Org Units Energy and Environment Institute
Chemical Engineering

Energy and Growth in the Northern Powerhouse Conference and Exhibition
2019 - 2019

Description Energy & Clean Growth in the Northern Powerhouse was a two (2) day Conference and Exhibition being held at the Bonus Arena in Hull on 5 & 6 November 2019.

It is organised by the NP11, a collection of the 11 Local Enterprise Partnerships that cover the 76 Local Authorities in the North of England, and in conjunction with the Department of Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy’s Green GB & NI Week.

Keynote speakers, workshops, seminars and discussions with have drawn over a thousand of delegates, high-profile politicians and leading businesses in this event which was:
showcasing the North’s successes and aspirations
debating the hot topics for policy makers
promoting future technologies and ground-breaking research
assess the economic environment for businesses of all sizes and their workforces
illustrating the case for inward investment across these regions
Affiliated Organisations University of Hull
Org Units Energy and Environment Institute
Chemical Engineering

Bioenergy and Biochar: Repurposing Waste to Sustainable Energy and Materials Special Issue of Energies Journal (MDPI)
2019 - 2020

Description All types of biomass, and their waste, comprised one the pillars of the pre-industrial, pre-fossil fuel, agriculture-based economies of the past. Traditional practices of biomass waste management were applied, but not necessarily in a sophisticated and efficient way, and covered all the way up from agricultural activities to food production, animal feed, natural fibre separation as well as processing of forest-wood. The modern bioeconomy sector, though, includes new circular economy energy and materials streams of added value products, such as gaseous, liquid and solid biofuels and bioenergy generation routes, and biochar production, along with all the previously mentioned traditional bioeconomy emerged products.

The aim of this Special Issue is to include the latest bioenergy and biochar advancements and incorporation to a bioeconomy in transition. This Special Issue focuses on nature, properties, upgrading and bioenergy generation processes from all types of biomass waste and biochars originating from biomass waste. Overviews of international ongoing and collaborative, transdisciplinary research projects, technology transfer and policy development in the field are also welcome. A transdisciplinary approach in order to examine, explore and critically engage with issues, advances and barriers of the attempt are also encouraged.

Guest Editors: Dr Dimitrios Kalderis and Dr Vasiliki Skoulou
Affiliated Organisations University of Hull
Projects Microwave assisted Pre-treatment of lignocellulosic residues for better performance as solid fuels in fluidised bed technologies
THYME: Reclaiming lignin rich sludge after enzymatic hydrolysis for repurposing and pelletizing into a secondary fuel source for thermochemical transformation