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Outputs (477)

Eurovision 2023: Broadcasting Liverpool, Welcoming LGBTQ+ Communities, Honouring Ukraine (2023)
Baker, C. (2023). Eurovision 2023: Broadcasting Liverpool, Welcoming LGBTQ+ Communities, Honouring Ukraine. Heseltine Institute for Public Policy, Practice and Place, University of Liverpool

The Heseltine Institute is marking Liverpool’s status as host city for Eurovision 2023 with a special series of policy briefings. In this first briefing of the series, Dr Catherine Baker (University of Hull) discusses some of the key themes that will... Read More about Eurovision 2023: Broadcasting Liverpool, Welcoming LGBTQ+ Communities, Honouring Ukraine.

Gay Bod: Civic and LGBTQ+ Pride After Brexit in a City on the Margins of the UK and Europe (2023)
Book Chapter
Baker, C., & Howcroft, M. (2023). Gay Bod: Civic and LGBTQ+ Pride After Brexit in a City on the Margins of the UK and Europe. In K. Loftsdóttir, B. Hipfl, & S. Ponzanesi (Eds.), Creating Europe from the Margins: Mobilities and Racism in Postcolonial Europe (108-124). Routledge.

In 2017, Kingston-upon-Hull celebrated becoming UK City of Culture (‘Hull2017’). Organisers of the cultural mega-event hoped to restore civic pride amongst residents of Hull, which had been severely affected ever since its North Sea fishing industry... Read More about Gay Bod: Civic and LGBTQ+ Pride After Brexit in a City on the Margins of the UK and Europe.

Lukas Erne and Kareen Seidler, eds. Early Modern German Shakespeare: Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet: Der Bestrafte Brudermord and Romio und Julieta in Translation. The Arden Shakespeare. London and New York: Bloomsbury, 2020. Pp. 366. (2022)
Journal Article
Drábek, P. (2022). Lukas Erne and Kareen Seidler, eds. Early Modern German Shakespeare: Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet: Der Bestrafte Brudermord and Romio und Julieta in Translation. The Arden Shakespeare. London and New York: Bloomsbury, 2020. Pp. 366. Early theatre, 25(1), 175-183.

A book review of Lukas Erne and Kareen Seidler's translation and edition of two early modern German plays, Der Bestrafte Brudermord and Romio und Julieta, adapted from Shakespeare's Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet. The review contextualises the two plays... Read More about Lukas Erne and Kareen Seidler, eds. Early Modern German Shakespeare: Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet: Der Bestrafte Brudermord and Romio und Julieta in Translation. The Arden Shakespeare. London and New York: Bloomsbury, 2020. Pp. 366..

Knowing One's Place: Community and Class in the Industrial Suburbs of Leeds during the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries (2022)
Pearson, R. (in press). Knowing One's Place: Community and Class in the Industrial Suburbs of Leeds during the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries. Thoresby Society

This book offers the first comprehensive account of all aspects of life in the industrial out-townships of Leeds, including their social, economic, political, religious, educational and cultural histories, during their period of transition from eight... Read More about Knowing One's Place: Community and Class in the Industrial Suburbs of Leeds during the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries.

Dramaturgy of the Shakespearean Libretto (2022)
Book Chapter
Drábek, P. (2022). Dramaturgy of the Shakespearean Libretto. In C. R. Wilson, & M. Cooke (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Shakespeare and Music (761-804). Oxford University Press (OUP).

From the late seventeenth century (Purcell’s The Fairy-Queen, 1692), Shakespeare’s plays have entered the realm of music theatre and opera, inspiring both composers and their librettists. Operas on Shakespearean themes have played a seminal role in t... Read More about Dramaturgy of the Shakespearean Libretto.

How Can Music Help Us To Address The Climate Crisis (2022)
Journal Article
Prior, H. (in press). How Can Music Help Us To Address The Climate Crisis. Music and Science,

Musicians and music psychologists are acutely aware of the power of music and its ability to influence our emotions, moods, thoughts, wellbeing, identity, and behaviour towards others. Indeed, music is often used to help address specific problems, es... Read More about How Can Music Help Us To Address The Climate Crisis.

Performing in the Studio (2022)
Book Chapter
Slater, M. (2022). Performing in the Studio. In G. McPherson (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Music Performance, Vol.1 (510-527). Oxford University Press.

While studio recordings can resemble live performances and draw upon similar reserves of knowledge and skill, the processes and experiences of performing in the studio are notably different from being on stage in front of an audience. This chapter si... Read More about Performing in the Studio.

Weird Fiction in the Twentieth-Century Gothic (2021)
Book Chapter
Corstorphine, K. (in press). Weird Fiction in the Twentieth-Century Gothic. In S. Ni Fhlainn, & B. M. Murphy (Eds.), Twentieth-Century Gothic: An Edinburgh Companion. Edinburgh University Press

This chapter is a survey of the evolution of weird fiction and how it relates to the Gothic in the twentieth century. It argues for an understanding of the mode in terms of its blending of genres and resistance to categorisation, emphasising publicat... Read More about Weird Fiction in the Twentieth-Century Gothic.

The Crawling Chaos: H. P. Lovecraft, Closed Gothic Spaces and ‘Dungeon Crawler’ Videogames (2021)
Book Chapter
Corstorphine, K., & Crofts, M. (in press). The Crawling Chaos: H. P. Lovecraft, Closed Gothic Spaces and ‘Dungeon Crawler’ Videogames. In A. Alcala Gonzalez, & C. H. Sederholm (Eds.), Lovecraft in the 21st Century: Dead, But Still Dreaming (213-226). Routledge.

Manuel Aguirre’s The Closed Space: Horror Literature and Western Symbolism (1990) drew critical focus to the importance of enclosed spaces and Gothic literature; caverns, catacombs and labyrinths. For Aguirre ‘the world is defined in horror literatur... Read More about The Crawling Chaos: H. P. Lovecraft, Closed Gothic Spaces and ‘Dungeon Crawler’ Videogames.

Exploring the Factors Influencing Chinese Music Teachers’ Perceptions and Behavioural Intentions in Using Technology in Higher Education: A Pilot Study (2021)
Journal Article
King, A., Zhang, X., & Prior, H. (in press). Exploring the Factors Influencing Chinese Music Teachers’ Perceptions and Behavioural Intentions in Using Technology in Higher Education: A Pilot Study. Music and Science, 4,

The development of new technologies drives many aspects of socio-economic development, including the development of education. The behavioural intention of music teachers, particularly in relation to how technology is integrated into the classroom, n... Read More about Exploring the Factors Influencing Chinese Music Teachers’ Perceptions and Behavioural Intentions in Using Technology in Higher Education: A Pilot Study.

Notes and Queries... That Wren Drawing (2021)
Journal Article
Fergusson-Baugh, C. (2021). Notes and Queries... That Wren Drawing. Theatre and performance design, 21(1-2), 24-38.

In this article I will expand on work presented in ‘Haptic Insights’ (Fergusson Baugh 2018) and demonstrate the value of the methodologies proposed there on a case study reconstruction of the second Drury Lane theatre (1674) initially prepared for th... Read More about Notes and Queries... That Wren Drawing.

Working With and In Small Groups (2021)
Book Chapter
King, E. (2021). Working With and In Small Groups. In A. Creech, D. A. Hodges, & S. Hallam (Eds.), International Handbook of Music Psychology in Education and the Community (320-334). Routledge.

This chapter provides insight into two kinds of small group work: “supervised” – guided by a supervisor, such as a teacher or facilitator; and “unsupervised” – self- managed or without supervisory input. Evidence about group work is discussed, drawin... Read More about Working With and In Small Groups.

Cultural Transformations: The Impacts of Hull UK City of Culture 2017. Main Evaluation, Findings and Reflections (2021)
Bianchini, F., Bissett, V., Cavalleri, F., Grabher, B., Morpeth, N. D., Oanca, A., & Tommarchi, E. (2021). Cultural Transformations: The Impacts of Hull UK City of Culture 2017. Main Evaluation, Findings and Reflections. Hull: Hull UK City of Culture 2017 Ltd

This report forms an important output in the overall process of monitoring, evaluation and research to measure the impacts of Hull UK City of Culture 2017. It provides an assessment of the project across all five impact areas, drawing on a range of p... Read More about Cultural Transformations: The Impacts of Hull UK City of Culture 2017. Main Evaluation, Findings and Reflections.

Heterotelic Models as Performatives: From Speech Acts to Propositionality (2021)
Journal Article
Drabek, P. (2021). Heterotelic Models as Performatives: From Speech Acts to Propositionality. Litteraria Pragensia : Studies in Literature and Culture, 30(60), 100-117

Performatives in the sense of speech act theory (SAT) have long been held for the elementary building blocks of theatre and performance. This article proposes a theory of performative models as autonomous forms that are (1) propositional (to be worke... Read More about Heterotelic Models as Performatives: From Speech Acts to Propositionality.

A World on His Shoulders: Nat Cohen, Anglo-EMI and the British Film Industry (2021)
Journal Article
Mayne, L. (2021). A World on His Shoulders: Nat Cohen, Anglo-EMI and the British Film Industry. Journal of British cinema and television, 18(1), 34-49.

Despite being one of the most significant players in the British film industry of the 1960s and 1970s, Nat Cohen remains a curiously neglected figure in histories of that era. At Anglo-Amalgamated he oversaw a varied slate of productions, from B-movi... Read More about A World on His Shoulders: Nat Cohen, Anglo-EMI and the British Film Industry.

The International Nature of Cultural Studies (2020)
Book Chapter
Custodio, L., Vicente Mariño, M., García-Jiménez, L., Hernandez-Perez, M., Subtil, F., & Rizo, M. (2020). The International Nature of Cultural Studies. In F. Oliveira Paulino, . G. Kaplún, M. Vicente Mariño, & L. Custódio (Eds.), Research Traditions in Dialogue: Communication Studies in Latin America and Europe (179-184). Media XXI