National e-resources of Shakespeare translations in Europe: (Dis)assembling the black box
Journal Article
Cetera-Włodarczyk, A., Tronch, J., Drábek, P., Gaydin, B., Makarov, V., Montorfano, B., Soncini, S., & Zakharov, N. (2019). National e-resources of Shakespeare translations in Europe: (Dis)assembling the black box. Cahiers Élisabéthains: A Biannual Journal of English Renaissance Studies, 99(1), 89-101.
© The Author(s) 2019. This article discusses the construction, operation and scholarly usefulness of electronic resources of Shakespeare translations. In particular, it offers an overview of several existing European digital resources of Shakespeare... Read More about National e-resources of Shakespeare translations in Europe: (Dis)assembling the black box.